Is mmy plant dead????

ok... yes its gowing in the bath tub. when the plant got sick and we had to flush it or set up kinda got a little fucked up! i swear it was like we got hit by a tornado, i dont even no where that tin foil came from to be honest with you... i dont do any of the nutes thats my mans job... i pretty much just do the researching. we do have myler sheeting all the way around the bath tub walls... we do have a few SMALL fans but during the "tornado" our main fan fell and broke so we r in process of replacing it.


Active Member
If i were you i would just give normal watering , i wouldnt flush with lots and lots of cold water as you will put your plants under a lot of unnessery stress , i would just continue giving nornal ph`ed 6.5 water that is up to growroom temps for 2 weeks . That way your still flushing your plant but it wont be under anymore stress than it already is .


Active Member
Flush them for sure, just don't us cold water, makes the roots uncomftrable, flush once to get out some nutes then water normly after that


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is a boyfriend at all... I think it's just you!! :D

I did this once, well.... my girl did it while I was out of the state for two weeks attending a funeral... I came home and had severely nute burned plants that were also severely over-watered.... WTF?!?!?

In any case.... I think everyone here has you on the right track, and your plant is already looking better! Good Luck!