Well-Known Member
That seems to be a common enough response to edibles. I can't smoke, edibles are all I've got, so I've had to take the time to experiment and figure out what a mild dose is, and how much to take if I really want to be stoned. Within that learning curve I've made every mistake I can imagine, from too strong to decarb'ing too long and ruining batches.
Decarb'ing is an art form, especially when you get into CBD and CBG which require different temps and durations from each other and from THC. At this point I've got butter/brownies and tincture all worked out -- for myself. That said, I don't share, it's my meds and I'm not interested in being the source of another story about how edibles fucked someone up. Wow, I just reread that, and I've turned into a crotchety old man.... LOL, it was inevitable.
It's a common response due to a common mistake. People making them too strong and having a bad experience. I've spent hours researching since then so I think I'm in a better position to actually make some edible gummies and use them without any problems.