Is more thc absorbed via edibles; or smoking?

That seems to be a common enough response to edibles. I can't smoke, edibles are all I've got, so I've had to take the time to experiment and figure out what a mild dose is, and how much to take if I really want to be stoned. Within that learning curve I've made every mistake I can imagine, from too strong to decarb'ing too long and ruining batches.

Decarb'ing is an art form, especially when you get into CBD and CBG which require different temps and durations from each other and from THC. At this point I've got butter/brownies and tincture all worked out -- for myself. That said, I don't share, it's my meds and I'm not interested in being the source of another story about how edibles fucked someone up. Wow, I just reread that, and I've turned into a crotchety old man.... LOL, it was inevitable.

It's a common response due to a common mistake. People making them too strong and having a bad experience. I've spent hours researching since then so I think I'm in a better position to actually make some edible gummies and use them without any problems.
11-hydroxy metabolite is whats created when the liver breaks down THC, its about 4 to 5 times more psychoactive than THC alone, if i want to be a zombie and stuff my face all day ill take 60 to 100mg and go for a fucking ride, ive never been able to smoke and get as high as ive been on a good edible.
That seems to be a common enough response to edibles. I can't smoke, edibles are all I've got, so I've had to take the time to experiment and figure out what a mild dose is, and how much to take if I really want to be stoned. Within that learning curve I've made every mistake I can imagine, from too strong to decarb'ing too long and ruining batches.

Decarb'ing is an art form, especially when you get into CBD and CBG which require different temps and durations from each other and from THC. At this point I've got butter/brownies and tincture all worked out -- for myself. That said, I don't share, it's my meds and I'm not interested in being the source of another story about how edibles fucked someone up. Wow, I just reread that, and I've turned into a crotchety old man.... LOL, it was inevitable.
I grew what I thought was weed but after having it tested for potency, I learned my grow this year is actually hemp. it's 1.6% THC, 8.6% CBD and 2% CBG. I plan on making edibles with it so would you be willing to share your method with me for butter/brownies and or tincture? I know how to properly dose edibles using butter/oil from cannabis with THC, but didn't know there might be differences in the extraction process for CBD. Thanks in advance.
I grew what I thought was weed but after having it tested for potency, I learned my grow this year is actually hemp. it's 1.6% THC, 8.6% CBD and 2% CBG. I plan on making edibles with it so would you be willing to share your method with me for butter/brownies and or tincture? I know how to properly dose edibles using butter/oil from cannabis with THC, but didn't know there might be differences in the extraction process for CBD. Thanks in advance.
There are a million recipes online, they do a better job of laying it out than I would. Here's an example of ONE -- I found that website when looking for online edible dosage calculators, they have what seems like a really good one.

There are other instructions and recipes in the Cooking with Cannabis, Medicating, and Concentrates and Extracts section of this site.

:peace: Happy reading...
There are a million recipes online, they do a better job of laying it out than I would. Here's an example of ONE -- I found that website when looking for online edible dosage calculators, they have what seems like a really good one.

There are other instructions and recipes in the Cooking with Cannabis, Medicating, and Concentrates and Extracts section of this site.

:peace: Happy reading...
I use Emily's edible dosage calculator for the oils and butter's I make for edibles. I'm specifically intrigued by your comment about CBD and CBG extraction methods have different times and temps. Since I have 6 ounces of CBD and CBG rich flower, I'd like to make my edibles using it. Can you share your method?
I use Emily's edible dosage calculator for the oils and butter's I make for edibles. I'm specifically intrigued by your comment about CBD and CBG extraction methods have different times and temps. Since I have 6 ounces of CBD and CBG rich flower, I'd like to make my edibles using it. Can you share your method?
While I've made THC brownies for myself for years, I'm very new to CBD. Because I tend to screw things up during the learning curve, I went ahead and bought some bulk CBD and some CBG flower online (that's legal) to 'practice' with, so the flower I used was (supposedly) primarily one or the other, which allowed me to decarb them separately. I don't really know of a proven/tested way to preserve both at the same time in one plant.

That said, from my *very* limited experience with CBD -- like one run of each of two methods -- the time I mixed the two together and decarbed them directly into coconut oil at 180º for 8 hours using a (diy) double boiler, is more potent/effective then the 'dry' batch where I decarbed them separately. While it's more effective, I have not had it tested so I have no idea if the CBG actually survived the method, all the potency I'm experiencing could be just the CBD.

Below is a basic chart for decarbing. There are other charts I've seen that actually graph the progress of CBDA turning into CBD, it doesn't happen all in one moment, the change happens increasingly to a point and then when you go too far it begins to degrade. I can't find those charts at the moment, but if you do a search online and then overlap them you might find a sweet spot where you're (for instance) getting 70% of each. From the chart below, I would guess that if you followed the CBD time/temp, you'd cook off most of the CBG, but if you can only preserve one, you seem to have more CBD so that might be the one to lean into.

recommended decarb time:temp.png
I use Emily's edible dosage calculator for the oils and butter's I make for edibles. I'm specifically intrigued by your comment about CBD and CBG extraction methods have different times and temps. Since I have 6 ounces of CBD and CBG rich flower, I'd like to make my edibles using it. Can you share your method?
I just reread your post and noticed you used the word "extraction", I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing, obviously from my response, I was talking about decarboxylation...
I just reread your post and noticed you used the word "extraction", I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing, obviously from my response, I was talking about decarboxylation...
As you know there are a few steps to make edibles; decarbing the flower then infusing into oil, butter etc. I I'm using extraction and infusion interchangeably and maybe that's wrong! I bought a Levo 11 that does the decarbing and infusing all in on machine. I'm wondering if the settings recommended for infusing THC into oil or butter are the same as infusing the CBD into the oil or butter. After reading Emily's site, I see that's not the case. You go longer and not as high temp for CBD flower, correct?
Smoked is Delta-9-THC. Hits fast and wear off equally fast.
Edibles are converted in the Liver and small intestines by the enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 into 11-Hydroxy-THC.
5 times stronger per milligram and 10 times longer lasting this is the stuff dreams and nightmares are made from.

All cooking oils from Avocado to Safflower from Butter to Bacon Fat take a full 2 hours to really get cranking. Only Coconut oil hits in Half the time or less in only 45 minutes.
MCT (medium chain triglycerides) is just overpriced double refined Coconut oil. Does nothing special.

This makes less sugar seem just as sweet. Less medication gives the same pain relief. Found in a wide range of foods and medications I won't make edible oil without it now.
Any of the 6 forms work equally well. Soy or Sunflower based. Granules, Liquid or Powder.
20% of oil volume
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.

BadKat's Hash oil recipe. She posted on many sites but I don't find her works here.

Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered
5 grams of Decarbed Kief or Hash or Powdered Buds
1 Tablespoon Coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon Lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Freeze (improves mouth feels)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes

Finished Oil
Bud dust 1 drop = 1mg of THC
Kief-Hash 1 drop = 3mg
Concentrates 1 drop = 6mg

The paste fills 30 single zero capsules @25 drops each.
Full cap with bud oil = 25mg
With Kief = 75mg
Z caps and dish.jpg

When working with this edible oil the following is a fair guide of rough numbers to follow.
Trim 5% = 50mg of THC per gram
Buds 15% = 150mg of THC
Kief-Hash = 50% = 500mg of THC per gram
Wax, Live resin = 90% = 900 milligrams of THC per gram used.

Most states limit the single dose edible to 10 milligrams.
1 gram of Buds (Thumbnail sized nug) is enough for 15 brownies at 10mg each.

To use the finished oil in baked goods place the desired amount for dosing into the oil called for in the baked good and blend Canna and cooking oils well.

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Single serve Edible.
A pinky fingernail of Bud is 50milligrams of THC

Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes. I've done this step in a hotel room on top of a bread slice toaster slot in a tin foil tube. Bud fragments should have browned substantially and even a touch of black is acceptable. I mixed it with a Pat of butter off the breakfast buffet and processed it 20 minute at 220 F. Close works in both the decarb and processing. Put it back in the tin foil Canoe and processed it over the toaster slot again.
Let cool
Eat half
Wait 2 hours
If not stoned enough
Eat the rest.

The decarb can be done in a skillet with low heat and constant shaking until browned and toasted. Remove cannabis from skillet. Fry one strip of Bacon. Remove crisp bacon from skillet. Sprinkle Decarbed Bud dust into still hot bacon grease, Stir in and let set a few minutes. Drop 1 egg into hot greasy skillet and cook any style. Garnish with Bacon strip and enjoy.

Now this is the Breakfast of Champions.

I can't smoke, edibles are all I've got,
Me, too. COPD. I would get about 5 dozen oatmeal coolies from an once of good bud. That did really good. They would only last 4 or 5 days. I'm 83 yo and all those cookies made me loose my 6 pack that I carefully maintained all these years. Now I just take a 1/2 dropper full of RSO 3 or 4 times a day made about the same way @BrassNwood does.

The reason I'm asking is to figure out, can for example 1 gram of weed made into edibles get more people high than if 1 gram was smoked?
When it comes to edibles or smoking just think about when you are old and a little short on breath you might think, "Maybe I should have made cookies."
You get more high from edibles and it aint cos of the delta 9 thc either like when you smoke or vape cannabis you deny yourself the 11-hydroxy-thc pathway however when you eat decarbed weed or even real dry sift hash then this is in play and its a bit more potent than thcdelta9 hence why u get more baked from eating it and me personally i like high dose edibles but i got a killer tolerance and im a bit of a hard head and as others have said already most folks dont enjoy overdoing it with edibles cos they have a few bad experiences and then they avoid em if your sensitive my advice is start light lol