Is Moving Plants Frequently Safe

I had 3 plants and one just became a male. I took that one out and it is now outside. I thought the change in light heat and just the sheer fact of being an indoor grow going to an outdoors would kill this male. The first night it looked as though it was going to die by morning with all the leaves weighted down however come morning light the plant was lively and thriving.
I have two plants still who do not show signs of a gender yet. If i get rid of the male now before the pollen has come out am i safe to move my plants to be outside? What i am looking for more than moving them out side is to just have them outside during daylight hours and then bring them back inside and use my light on them until it is time for the light to be off.
I understand to be prepared and worried for bugs getting to them. i can make something to put around the plant like a super fine screen to keep bugs out as best as i can. I like how that plant reacted to the natural sunlight and i want my other two to have the same light but to come in at night where they can still get light and be protected from night critters.
Please let me know what you think.
Now that i am home i have left my male plant out side now since Friday evening. I have never seen one grow so that is why i haven't gotten rid of the male yet. At night after the sun has set the leaves appear to get droopy. In the morning this plant is happy to see the light. I have noticed that some of the leaves got eaten over night and that is what i want to avoid with leaving the other two outside all night. I can make a nice screen to protect them while they are outside but i dont know if this will stunt the growth or make them soar. I dont want my other 2 to end up dead because i thought i was helping them you know.


Active Member
There's nothing better than the sun, but what you're doing is not without risk. First, you don't want to screw with the light cycle, like giving it eight hours one day, 14 the next, and so on (and it's easy to do). Second, you can bring bugs inside without realizing it, and infect every plant in your house. But it does feel nice to bring them out when they've been inside, you can almost see them perk up.


Well-Known Member
I use a combination grow, inside and outside and have been doing this 2 years now with zero ill effects. Yes to the one post about bringing in bugs that is a concern but a small one. The main concern is to keep your light cycle the same each and every day. I veg moving the plants inside and out each and every day. When it comes time to flower they are totally outside girls and I let the sun take over, when doing this in the spring of the year as the days grow longer in length it is more tricky and you have to move them to darkness so that the amount of light doesn't throw them back into a veg state. I find this method time comsuming but I am able to grow outside year round, get the benefits of the sun, the added daylight when needed so for me it is a perfect set up. Happy Growing.