i am a begginer when it comes to growing. iv got two plants that are hash berry. from what iv heard one of the best strians for begginers, do to its forgivness to heat and such. iv had them under a flouresnt light for a while now. they are a good 2 1/2 foot tall, and i jsut baught a 1000w mh/hps grow light kit. they were under the MH for two days (18 on 6 off). and im pretty sure that the plants are getting burnt by the light. some leaves are browning, others are turning almost white. it was a solid 80 degrees under the light. so i hooked up more fans to keep it under 80. but yet the leaves are still wilting and changing colors. so then i raised the light up higher from the plants, but still they are burning. so i ended up putting them back under the flouresent light to make sure that they rebound before i give this a go again. any one have any ideas to what could be going on? maybe jsut to much wattage? would appreciate any pointers. thanks!