is my 1000w mh/hps to much?


i am a begginer when it comes to growing. iv got two plants that are hash berry. from what iv heard one of the best strians for begginers, do to its forgivness to heat and such. iv had them under a flouresnt light for a while now. they are a good 2 1/2 foot tall, and i jsut baught a 1000w mh/hps grow light kit. they were under the MH for two days (18 on 6 off). and im pretty sure that the plants are getting burnt by the light. some leaves are browning, others are turning almost white. it was a solid 80 degrees under the light. so i hooked up more fans to keep it under 80. but yet the leaves are still wilting and changing colors. so then i raised the light up higher from the plants, but still they are burning. so i ended up putting them back under the flouresent light to make sure that they rebound before i give this a go again. any one have any ideas to what could be going on? maybe jsut to much wattage? would appreciate any pointers. thanks!


Active Member
This is just my Imo, but I would check the distance to the plants from the lights first.



Active Member
Here is a General Chart for Nutes also, That might be something to look into also.
I believe them to be about right, but I cant say for 100%.



hmm... the plants are a good 6 to 7 weeks old. so maybe the problem could be that i had the wrong light, and the wrong time cycle? do u think that i should use the HPS for the 12/12? and if so, should i wait a couple days for the plant to recover befor i try again?


the first day 24 in. second day about 40 in. grow space should be no problem. i have built an outdoor grow room thats 12x10 plus two empty rooms in my house at the moment. and i have them in my house right now. so a whole bedroom to use up basically.


Well-Known Member
if the light was 24 inches(or more) away from the plants,it should not be a problem. are they burning only at the very top? if not,it is probably nute burn.what are you feeding them? I have let a plant get to close to a light for over a week and the top 4-5 inches burned crispy brown,the rest was wilted due to same lack of care but bounced back overnite after getting water. I just chopped off the sad branch and a week later,you could not tell anything was wrong.
too many hrs of light is not the problem but at 2.5 feet tall it might be time to consider switching to 12/12 hours of light to start flowering, how tall can you grow them? if you switch now, they will finish at about 4-5 feet tall.most here report that the plants will double in size or better after starting to flower but I personally never get that much growth- at best they come close to doubling in size.I still switch to 12/12 when the plants are 1/2 the size I want them to finish at just to make sure I dont run out of room.


i am using an organic potting soil mix thats 10-5-5 and the plants love that, but then a week ago i top it with another potting soil that has a little bit more nitrogen. and the plants seem to be respondiing very well. the growth was much faster onces i put a little bit of the other soil in. and i would like them to get rather large. size and smell is no problem for me. i live in the woods and im a medical user.


problems.jpgheres some pics of my babys. im thinkin it might be a nutreint problem. someone with a little more exp. please help me out!



Active Member
Try some superthrive when watering, and a bit of fish emulsion.
looks like lack of nutes.
Keep it natural!