is my 250w MH too close to plants? + pics


just wondering if my light is too close? I've use my temp readers therm o stat device reads about 22-26 C and hand doesn't feel too hot I'm trying to get my light as close as's @ 6 inches



Active Member
just wondering if my light is too close? I've use my temp readers therm o stat device reads about 22-26 C and hand doesn't feel too hot I'm trying to get my light as close as's @ 6 inches
you are doing good

re pot in 5ltrs pots and veg for 2 weeks and flower
depending on the strain, you could put 3-8oz


lol well they are bag seeds but from weed i know is good... seen a mate grow a few from same bag seeds had 2 females and 1 male long white hairs... i was gonna veg for as long as the house inspection came because i know the flowering stage lasts the longest and smells and is so strict on it's dark cycle but i have worked out a way 2 box in my tent ( could set cycle for lights on at night time so forth..) but because of inspection i would have to hide it which causes a big problem for dark cycles..

5 liters pots you say? i have checked the root system of my 2nd biggest it is as long as the cup but hasn't fully bulb-ed around the cup just as yet you sure i should transplant so soon? they have only started growing taller out the stem with 2 extra serrated leafs..

most certainly all these sprouts won't be females... i will have 2 neck at least one i know it hope at least two are females.. i know i should of bought seeds but spent over 700 on all my tools so far and ain't even got a PH tester! lol


pretty sure he ment 12 inches not hour light cycle bro ^ but i'm keeping it 6 inches too far away and i will loose lumen s i know my plants are young but i need more confirmation on the matter they are on 24.7 light cycle.. water every 24 hours plastic cup drys quick humidity 40%.. did use nutes couple times and I've pulled back away from them totally because is 2 young I'll wait for round leaves 2 die off then it's nute time i gather??


please don't stop with your opinions this is my first grow... I've researched a lot trying my best. like most or Nealy all i love a toke even smoke with my mum dutch in my blood the dutch aussie :)


Active Member
lol well they are bag seeds but from weed i know is good... seen a mate grow a few from same bag seeds had 2 females and 1 male long white hairs... i was gonna veg for as long as the house inspection came because i know the flowering stage lasts the longest and smells and is so strict on it's dark cycle but i have worked out a way 2 box in my tent ( could set cycle for lights on at night time so forth..) but because of inspection i would have to hide it which causes a big problem for dark cycles..

5 liters pots you say? i have checked the root system of my 2nd biggest it is as long as the cup but hasn't fully bulb-ed around the cup just as yet you sure i should transplant so soon? they have only started growing taller out the stem with 2 extra serrated leafs..

most certainly all these sprouts won't be females... i will have 2 neck at least one i know it hope at least two are females.. i know i should of bought seeds but spent over 700 on all my tools so far and ain't even got a PH tester! lol
if your growing in soil you can do with out a ph tester

yeh i would not transplant into a 5ltr pot yet, wait till you have some good root in the cups
but i meant 2 week before you flower
as soon as you know the sex throw the males and then work out what to do with the female's

if you get 2 female plants, i would lst the plants it will help a lot with the yeild and use 10ltr pots

you can yeild a lot with small plants that have been train well

keep the hps light as close as you can without the canopy temp going over 29c


Active Member
pretty sure he ment 12 inches not hour light cycle bro ^ but i'm keeping it 6 inches too far away and i will loose lumen s i know my plants are young but i need more confirmation on the matter they are on 24.7 light cycle.. water every 24 hours plastic cup drys quick humidity 40%.. did use nutes couple times and I've pulled back away from them totally because is 2 young I'll wait for round leaves 2 die off then it's nute time i gather??
do not give any nutes for the fist 2 weeks and then you should be using 1/2 strength max


cheers thanks Jason i have 1.9 height 2 work with should i attempt topping? or just holes in side of pot and slight bending? lst training or try make them squat like with more colas? only using a 250w MH maybe for veg/flower i may buy a hps ballast and switch 250w/400w about same price Nealy as conversion bulb.. also saying because i only have a 250w MH ballast and globe it's a Grow lush bulb meant to have more of the red spectrum.. contemplating either first grow just use MH whole way thru out veg/flower or attempt to get more cash and get the hps in their


Active Member

the thing is with bag seeds, you don't know the strain and some strain can yeild a lot less if you top them and some yeild more if you top them,

mh is more for veg but you can get a good yeild off them, but if you have the money spare go and buy a 400w hps and this will increase your yeild

if you are using a 250/400w mh/hps the light penetration is not good, lst/topping get more light to the bud sites in turn better yeild :)


I'm try get the hps for flower... seeing i dunno if topping will pay off think i might as wells bend it side ways so light hits all the foliage and bud sites prob my best bet after seeing what you said good i don't have 2 worry about PH levels i was going out buying bottle water with out chloride in it... and had bottles water left with tops off soil is just potting soil mixed with perlite... i have blood n bone soil also but i think I'll stick with soiless potting (soil/perlite) nutrient soil well close 2 and add dutch master veg/bloom..


Active Member
pretty sure he ment 12 inches not hour light cycle bro ^ but i'm keeping it 6 inches too far away and i will loose lumen s i know my plants are young but i need more confirmation on the matter they are on 24.7 light cycle.. water every 24 hours plastic cup drys quick humidity 40%.. did use nutes couple times and I've pulled back away from them totally because is 2 young I'll wait for round leaves 2 die off then it's nute time i gather??
...keep dion what yer doin...6 inch is fine for a 250....


Active Member
I'm try get the hps for flower... seeing i dunno if topping will pay off think i might as wells bend it side ways so light hits all the foliage and bud sites prob my best bet after seeing what you said good i don't have 2 worry about PH levels i was going out buying bottle water with out chloride in it... and had bottles water left with tops off soil is just potting soil mixed with perlite... i have blood n bone soil also but i think I'll stick with soiless potting (soil/perlite) nutrient soil well close 2 and add dutch master veg/bloom..
leave water to stand for 24hours and all the chloride will evaporate

bend it side ways is a good ideal, you will have to pull it down and tie it often

remove any fan leaves under the main stem, make sure there's a good air flow

keep the feed light and let the soil dry out a bit before watering again


cheers for your pointers and help.. will sure be back 2 ask more questions I'm sure of it atm working with broken wrist lol thought i broke my HID lamp and raged yeah i punched solid wood and broke it dumb i know! lol maybe some1 will get a luagh outer that.. i make sure it's pretty dry before watering soil almost doesn't stick 2 finger. i have a 6 inch inline fan ducted up man hole and xbox fan for intake... with little clip fan blowing on and above plants.. ( so you get more of an idea humidity is about 35%-40%) i have a fan controller speed adjusted hooked upto my exhaust also.. have it set enough 2 suck good amount air out but not 2 much just a little over intake.


Active Member
your humidity is ok but its better round 50-60% in veg and 40-50% in flower

but your plants will still grow well if the humidity is 30%, if the temp don't get to high

more exhaust vs intake is good

keep humidity low and if you use a filter, it stops most the smell

sorry about your hand lol


Hey just got carbon filter it's a lot bigger then i expected!!! lol here is pictures should it be okay where i have it i know ideal would be up high but for now would this be good enough??

got my temp reader top of tent gotta make sure isn't making it 2 hot not sucking the air from top nemore but from standing on floor charcoal filter hand broken so i can't hang it worse case I'll have 2 take it off till later on



Active Member
Hey just got carbon filter it's a lot bigger then i expected!!! lol here is pictures should it be okay where i have it i know ideal would be up high but for now would this be good enough??

got my temp reader top of tent gotta make sure isn't making it 2 hot not sucking the air from top nemore but from standing on floor charcoal filter hand broken so i can't hang it worse case I'll have 2 take it off till later on
hi mate

the carbon filter will work on the floor
the ideal of the carbon filter hanging near the lights is to reduce the noise and pull the hot air from the lights to reduce room temp


yeah new it would be suited up high hot air rises... but the temps up high are 20 lowest 22 mid and 25 highest.. which I'm sure is good with 28 C above plants.. i just checked my biggest plants root system while trying 2 keep it intact it's getting very big now sprouting higher taking off believe in two 3 days I'll have to transplant to bigger pot 2 of them i started off under cfl's and two new ones from start off the MH i can see a huge difference in starting with the MH under cfl the 2 serrated leafs came thru on it's own under the MH not only 2 serrated leafs but extra middle sprouts popped out middle same time