is my blueberry ready?


Well-Known Member
hmm i know but she had no more fan leaves left they all died and the nugs were starting to dry on the plant so i felt like i had to chop her. i vegged for like 2 weeks then straight to flower and a lil over a zip from two weeks veg is pretty good imo.


Active Member
umm yeah i did read your previous post upon my commenting... and i know a plant cannot lose all it';s leaves and buds start drying up in a week sorry.....Just trying to help you out if you went 8 wks what will another 2 hurt same if you are on week 10 leave it a cpl weeks and you wont regret it .. it wasnt finished and when this harvest is complete i post my pics and show you why


Well-Known Member
well im juss sayin that i had to cut the fan leaves off cuz they were all brown and dried up and that the next day i checked on them the buds had shrank a lil bit and they didnt look like they were doing so well so i chopped and dried them cuz thats what i felt like i had to do at the moment. the hashplant that i have going is doing better then the bb and i kno will finish its full bloom but ya man i didnt mean to come off rude if i did srry but thanks for looking out.