Is My Closet Cannabis Friendly?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if this storage space could be used to grow around 5 plants (soil grow) under a 400W HPS/MH conv light. One wall and the floor is concreate and i live in canada so it will get cold in the winter aswell as its very dry here. the door is only a sliding closet door that folds into itself. If i keep temp and airflow under control is this space ok? Also this will be my first grow attempt and i am very excited to start. help and advise always appreciated, thanks



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. There was a post not to long ago of a space just about like yours. Didn't have the concrete wall or floor just the same shape. Wish I could remember who, they had done a very nice job with it. Take some measurments to go with the pictures, height at the highest point, length and width are fine for a few plants and some clones. YOu might even want to check out "Barrel Of Green" posted in this forum by Major Toke. I know it would fit right in there and could easily be slid out to tend it.
Depending on budget you may want to put furring strip and insulation on that concrete wall unless it is four feet or more below ground. A floor drian in the vicinity would be nice. If the furnace is in the basement with a chimney you may be able to vents through it or you might be able to vent through the sewer system. Mogie has posted ways of doing both I think and she includes pictures. CLick on FAQ upper left hand corner of this page, may have to go to DIY from there. I just read the one for sewer venting again today. 400 watt light will do four or so plants just fine. For about the same cost you could get an 8-tube 4' t-5 light. Uses 440 watts, performance seems to be equivalant to a 600 watt hid with less heat issues.Read through some journals, and formulate the rest of the plan. VV


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply.
This space is in my basement so it is well below 4 feet under ground. As of yet i dont have any venting plans but im sure i wont be able to create a drain whole. i was prob just gonna use a fan with the door half open or something but if i wanna do this right im gonna have to do something better lol
Someone frequently suggested HPS lights from htgsupply so i was considering getting mine there asap. but if you say this 8-tube 4' t-5 light is better, would you mind referring a couple of websites. thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
I purchased a 400W hps/mh conv digital ballast set up and it should be here in 3-4 days.
With my northern lights seeds from nirvana how many seeds should i germinate if i only want around 3-4 ladies. ive heard that nirvanna seeds arent all that great but then agian others say there good. if i should germ 10 seeds how many should i expect to sprout and to eventually turn into healthy females if this is my first grow.


New Member
ahah nice plan... a new type of guerilla growing
I just feel that asnyone that ask whats the best way to grow indoors is a beginner that is probablly going to get busted due to lack of common sense.

by the way, does it not seem to anyone else that if there were one sure method as being the BEST way to grow indoors, that would be the only method used here and wouldent b much reason for our beloved rollitup because everyone would already be using the BEST method of growing the dank?

but to answer this question polietly now, pot is a weed.
it has great properties that we all love, but its still a weed. weeds grow really easily when all the proper conditions for growth are met. Proper conditions can easily be achieved with most any grow setup so you need to pick one that best suits your own needs based on what you would like your garden to do. ex, make a big crop, make connoisseur quality buds, fit in a small space with specific requirements, or even be a stealth grow.
there is no perfect way, just a perfect way for you and your weed.


Well-Known Member
but to answer this question polietly now, pot is a weed.
it has great properties that we all love, but its still a weed. weeds grow really easily when all the proper conditions for growth are met. Proper conditions can easily be achieved with most any grow setup so you need to pick one that best suits your own needs based on what you would like your garden to do. ex, make a big crop, make connoisseur quality buds, fit in a small space with specific requirements, or even be a stealth grow.
there is no perfect way, just a perfect way for you and your weed.
Definitions of weed on the Web:[SIZE=-1]any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning
pot: street names for marijuana
clear of weeds; "weed the garden"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Weed is the generic word for a plant growing in a spot where it is not wanted. Weeds become of economic significance in connection with farming, where weeds may damage crops when growing in fields and poison domesticated animals when growing on pasture land. ...[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]An uninvited and usually unattractive plant that surfaces in gardens. Usually seeds are delivered by winds, but not always.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]To a gardener, any plant which grows where it is not wanted. To a rancher, any plant which is especially prolific and which usually has no evident use to cattle or other livestock (or is even poisonous for livestock to eat). To the botanist, a plant which is especially adept at quickly colonizing areas disturbed by human beings or our livestock. Most weeds, by this latter more objective definition, happen to be non-native.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]a plant growing where it is not desired.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]A plant that interferes with the management objectives at a particular location. It is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Under certain situations, the plant may not be totally undesirable.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]any plant that grows where it is not wanted[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]any undesired, uncultivated plant that grows where it is not wanted,as to crowd out a desired crop. WHIP: a young, unbranched tree.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Simply any plant growing where it is not wanted. In agriculture, used for a plant which has good colonizing capability in a disturbed environment, and can usually compete with a cultivated species therein. Weeds are typically considered as unwanted, economically useless or pest species.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]An undesirable plant.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]A plant which is causing damage in some way to native or endemic vegetation or ecosystems, or to agricultural production, such as blackberry, quinine, etc.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Any plant that is considered undesirable. One person might think a plant is beautiful and grow it in her garden. Another might think the same plant is a weed and pull it out of his garden. Most plants people call "weeds" are plants that cause problems for many people, such as crabgrass, clover, and plantain.[/SIZE]

NO, cannabis is not a weed in my garden. A weed does not mean "a plant that will survive under any condition".


Well-Known Member
NO, cannabis is not a weed in my garden. A weed does not mean "a plant that will survive under any condition".
Now look, first off I just want to say I agree totally, except you have to admit Marijuana is a pretty resilient plant. They get their leaves, stems and heads chopped off and comeback strong. It will grow in soil outdoors with no human help. Hell, it will even sprout a new plant from a severed limb. It may not survive under any condition, but it will survive many of them. You can see why misconceptions may arise from this.


Well-Known Member
but for a first time will all of them live past the veg and flower stage? how many plants did you lose your first time?