Is my compost tea looking good?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Mmm foamy!!! Not sure bone meal is solvable but whatever doesn't dissolve and drops to the bottom just throw that leftover sludge on spent soil.


Well-Known Member
I started mine around 20 hrs ago. When'd you start yours?
I started about 9 hours ago now. it has some foam but not much over the whole thing. I used 4 gallons of water; 1.5 cups worm castings, some molasses and some kelp meal.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that it means the microbes are actively increasing in numbers. Could just mean they are active, or something else completely (like how aloe has saponins and it bubbles up in an aerator.


Well-Known Member
I've had the tea bubbling for 36 hrs. Is it normal to smell bad? It smell like the all the stuff I put into the tea but it smells stronger now. Smells kinda of fishy from the kelp meal



Well-Known Member
I've had the tea bubbling for 36 hrs. Is it normal to smell bad? It smell like the all the stuff I put into the tea but it smells stronger now. Smells kinda of fishy from the kelp meal
As long as it doesn’t smell like old dirty socks your good.