Is my plant a male?!


Active Member
I've had my suspicions for the past week or so on my plant being a male. its only about 3.5 weeks since it sprouted and I think pollen sacs have developed and opened up. I just noticed today a whitish yellow powder sprinkled on one of the leaves directly under one of the sacs. I moved the stem a bit and more powder fell from the sacs. This definitely means its a male correct? I just don't understand how it would show sex this early, its not even a month old?!
sorry for the crappy pics but its the best I have.



Active Member
Wow that is very odd. It is a male for sure with many flowers in bloom! at least it was fast and you did not waste lots of nutrients on them.


Active Member
This is my first grow so should i just trash it or is there anything productive i can do with it? and yea i was gonna start adding nutrients soon too, glad i didnt waste those. I'm not gonna get to start a grow soon either cuz christmas break is comin up soon. it was a good learning experience though, learned a lot and am probably gonna by some seeds off the internet next time around.


Well-Known Member
you could grow a few females, choose and separate one, and pollenate it to produce your own seeds. no bud from boys though.