is my plant auto flowering?


Active Member
i have a few plants from seeds and 1 of the plants has a bunch of pistils but i have them in veg in 18/6 for the past 6 weeks. the others have not showed sex so i am wondering if this meant this plant is auto flowering

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
thats pre-flowering. totally normal.
its the showing of sex, thats how we know which are the ones that are males and which are female before putting them to flowering.


Well-Known Member
u can probobly just leave them in vegg untill the show, keep in mind all plants show there junk off at different times, ive got 2 plants ive been topping like mad that are still very small, unter 1 foot. Yet each of them have over 20 heads. Thing is that they are both 3 months old in vegg now and only 1 has shown signs of sex, Another strain i have is 3 weeks into vegg and showing signs of sex and its deffinatly not an auto