Is my plant autoflowering?


Well-Known Member
hey RIU, just wondering if there is anyone out there that could help me out, i think i may have a autoflowering plant and i just need someone to confirm/deny.

I do not know the strain as the seed used was bagseed, i have had it on a 20/4 light cycle since it sprouted and developed its first true set of leaves, but then yesterday night i found what appeared to be early signs of sexing (PICS INCLUDED) the plant has also started to produce an odour.
130825[1].jpgView attachment 1066661 So is it an autoflower? and is it a female?


Well-Known Member
I see white hairs so female..i guess its autoing or some kind of genetic fuck old


Well-Known Member
its roughly 2 weeks and a few days since it first sprouted :S
If you want more info on the plant follow the link in my sig, its my first grow journal :)


Well-Known Member
its hard to tell from those pics. On the second one it sort of looks like white hairs, but it could be leaves, I just cant tell from the pictures. You should be able to tell with the plant in front of you. From what I've read about autos they start to flower in about 2 weeks from seed, so your timing would be about right.


Well-Known Member
This to me just looks like new growth.

I dont see white hairs.

if you could turn your camera onto macro mode and get closer to where you mean that might help to confirm for you.



Active Member
Does not particularly mean the plant is auto-flowering. Could just be showing sex very early. You will know when you have it under 18/6 or whatever you do and you start seeing tons of pistils where your bud sites will soon be :leaf: