Is My Plant Dying Help!!!

my plant has pal looking leaves and the tips are burning my ph is 6.7 and my nutes are at less than half dose. I was told that purple stems are signs of a calcium deficiency so i use calmag now. I am using a 200 watt cfl 11/2 inches - 2 inches away.My room temp is 30.9 C used to be 33.9 C



Hello : ) your plant has gone through some heat stress which is noticable on every pic because the edges of the leaves are pointing upwards, got the same issue on some leaves. Other than that you seem to have a nutrient burn. I don't use nutrients but I've read other people getting advice to water the plant without nutrients for a week, maybe two. And so you know the leaves that got hurt wont change to green again, but you can make sure the other leaves do not get burned aswell. good luck!!
Hello : ) your plant has gone through some heat stress which is noticable on every pic because the edges of the leaves are pointing upwards, got the same issue on some leaves. Other than that you seem to have a nutrient burn. I don't use nutrients but I've read other people getting advice to water the plant without nutrients for a week, maybe two. And so you know the leaves that got hurt wont change to green again, but you can make sure the other leaves do not get burned aswell. good luck!!
I'll give it a try and i also might lower the temp to 27 prob should help


27 sounds perfect to me... I can't get my temp lower than 34 most of the time, makes me super sad. have a nice growing!