Is my plant dying?

Hey so i have 5 plants, one of them happens to be a little migit ak47 plant. About a week ago my plant got bud rot/mold on its top center bud.

If you'd like to see pictures of the rot and what my plant looked like before i chopped its moldy head off, here is the thread with pics

So anyway, i chopped off the rotted area and now my headless plants' leaves are yellowing from the top, down to the older leaves.

It is only my migit, i am thankful its not one of my full sized plants, but should i just harvest this plant now? Or wait a few more days so the buds can ripen a littleeeeeee bit longer.

Im pretty sure its not a deficiency, this has only started occuring after i did the chopping. It is most likely plant shock, maybe its dying?



Well-Known Member
It has a major K deficiency and this has contributed to the mold spread through lack of resistance from the plant. Dont be suprised if there is mold still there, harvest it now to avoid mold spores contaminating the rest.
There is no mold, i spray it with organic fungicide almost daily since the mold on it occured only a week ago. and also idk how it could have a K deficiency, my flowering nute formula is 10-52-8 but i mean, this only started after i chopped the top part of the plant off. I dont really see how its any type of deficiency.

I caught the mold very early, it only effected the one big dense upper bud and it has been removed. I have not seen a single sighting of mold anywhere else in my entire grow.


Active Member
Hey so i have 5 plants, one of them happens to be a little migit ak47 plant. About a week ago my plant got bud rot/mold on its top center bud.

If you'd like to see pictures of the rot and what my plant looked like before i chopped its moldy head off, here is the thread with pics

So anyway, i chopped off the rotted area and now my headless plants' leaves are yellowing from the top, down to the older leaves.

It is only my migit, i am thankful its not one of my full sized plants, but should i just harvest this plant now? Or wait a few more days so the buds can ripen a littleeeeeee bit longer.

Im pretty sure its not a deficiency, this has only started occuring after i did the chopping. It is most likely plant shock, maybe its dying?

your'v got a nutrient defficiancy ,your'll av to do a trial an error to find out what, apart from there is sum half decent bud on them plants
your'v got a nutrient defficiancy ,your'll av to do a trial an error to find out what, apart from there is sum half decent bud on them plants

Alright, i guess im gonna have to add some vegetative nutes with alot of K or something to my watering solution to see if it helps.


Active Member
no its done just give it strait water till all those hair brown. anything that may have been wrong is to late to fix when you start seeing hair change color.


Active Member
idk how it could have a K deficiency, my flowering nute formula is 10-52-8
umm, this is extremely low K. What nutrient is this?

Was the top of the stalk gaping open when you cut it? like could you see the hollow inside? I think it's best to cut at a 45 and pinch the top shot when you do something like that. The inside of the stalk may have started drying out from the top down.


Ursus marijanus
I'd also consider adding cal-mag. The other thing to consider is how wet the soil is ... your roots might be gasping for air. cn
umm, this is extremely low K. What nutrient is this?

Was the top of the stalk gaping open when you cut it? like could you see the hollow inside? I think it's best to cut at a 45 and pinch the top shot when you do something like that. The inside of the stalk may have started drying out from the top down.

Its Garden Elements Bud & Bloom 10-52-8

And yea i didnt cut at a 45 degree angle, i wasnt thinking, i pretty much just cut it off. You can see the inside of the stalk
A wild guess here, but maybe cutting into the main stalk killed the plants turgor pressure and its ability to draw water up through the roots. Hense the top down death. Maybe like trying to drink pop through a straw with a big hole in it.