is my plant goin to die???


Active Member
i gave my plant nutraints about 4 days ago it wuz only 2 weeks old wen i did this. the leaves r like yelow with brown spots on them. so las night i flushed my soil with jus distilled water it looks even worse this morning with these burnt leaves and spots. is there anything else i can do to help it and do u think it will live thru this or die?? please any answers will b appreciated and this is my first grow so i suk.


Well-Known Member
You dont suck man , all of us has done a first grow :mrgreen: And im only on my second :D
Pics would hellp mate.



Well-Known Member
if you did any reading at all on fert young plants you would have known no nutes for 3-4 weeks..
so learn from your mistakes
if it is nute burn ,you did the right thing to flush ,3water to 1 soil
if you are in small pot transplting can never be a bad thing


Active Member
ok wel i did flush it i will have piks up by tomaro. the soil im using is sum pottin soil my mom had. im using distilled water to flush the plant , its in a one gallon pot rite now so tomaro i will have up the piks... thanx alot for the responses hopefully it makes itbongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Active Member
ok wel i did flush it i will have piks up by tomaro. the soil im using is sum pottin soil my mom had. im using distilled water to flush the plant , its in a one gallon pot rite now so tomaro i will have up the piks... thanx alot for the responses hopefully it makes itbongsmilie:eyesmoke:
You say you used some potting soil your mom had. Potting soil usually has nutes in it already... so, bad idea to add more nutes so soon. Surely that's what did your baby in.
Good thing you flushed it. She might make it.
Good luck.