is my plant going to die?


I'm having some progressive problems with my plants.
One of them has been suffering a lot of stress lately. First it began to show some nutrient deficiency and it's bottom leaves began to yellow and die. I gave it some nutes and the yellowing slowed down for a time.

Now bottom leaves are dying again and all the leaves look unhealthy and some of them are curling up.
The thing I'm most worried about is that its leaves are very limp its petioles are very weak.

The plant had been in a closed room and without ventilation until recently and the temperature of the room was around 28 celsius (82.4 F). Now there is more air circulating. The plant has 2 150w cfls on it.

The new leaves look better but some of their tips are pale looking.

This is my first time growing a plant and I'm really worried because it doesn't look very healthy. Do you think there's something I can do to save it? :-(



Well-Known Member
How often do you water??Remember There are 3 vital requirements a plant needs Adequate lighting,air ,and nutrients,if one of these necessities is at 50% then all are at 50%

Fallen Buckshot

yup could be underwaterd overwaterd not enuff air circ bad ph etc... what soil are you using and have you tested the ph ?


Well-Known Member
I just saved the plant in my sig. It looked similar but worse and it was due to lack of watering. We've been haveing a drought and I didn't water them for 1.5 weeks. Fuckers are strong. I'm going to pull some clones from this mother.


Well-Known Member
water it mine does it when its dry, water it then u should see it perk up like in an hour an if it dont u fucked lol u using nutes


Are you watering proper to your plant, proper water is most important part for grow plant else you should be give proper nuts and air.


Well-Known Member
what size are your containers? it does look very overwatered. if you need to do a transplant go to a bigger container and leave it dry for a day or 2 it will get better