is my plant healthy?


Active Member
ok so a frieand gave me this plant when it 1st sprouted out of the soil...and i was woundering if it looks healthy? and im not sure how old the plant is so if anyone could give me a estimate on how old they think it is would be helpfull and im sorry if the pic is blury i only hade a webcam :mrgreen: all coments and advice is welcome :peace:



New Member
looks great, good leaf developement and could be a week or so old. hard to tell they spring up a lot in the first week or so


Active Member
alrite thx for tha fast coment, and by the way is the very bottom leafs suposed to turn yellow and fall off? ( the ones that protect it in the seed or sumthing)


Active Member
alright, one more question lol...when should i flower it? in a week or two? and i wanna keep it small or meduim big i cant have a tall ass plant at the moment

say no 2 soap

Active Member
give it a gud 2mths to veg properly before ya put it into flower,or between 18-24inches in height,you want plenty of nodes on it for the buds to develop,
thats wot i wud do


Active Member
ya but i herd some plants can grow twice or tripple the size when your going into flower and i need to keep my plant small or meduim size just not to when would i need to flower to get the size im looking for

say no 2 soap

Active Member
because its from a seed & not a clone it needs longer but,i suppose u cud put into bloom wenever u wnt,you'l know urself if it looks healthy & sturdy enough to hold up the buds. alot of it is just common sense. yes it will double AT LEAST! check out as many threads on the site as you can & tlk to as many people as you can who are growing really small plants.keep the pics coming its the best way for people to give ya accurate advice
gud luck man