is my plant look fine think its sick somebody help please


Active Member
It should be fine, don't do anything drastic and wait for a good diagnosis & remedy. If you over-react now, it won't be good for the plant. Sorry I couldn't help more, I'm not good with deficiencies and such yet. However, there are plenty of people here that are good and they're bound to help you, so relax in the mean time.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feed back guys could be strees from transplant cause i havnt givin her nutes yet thinking fox farm grom big in a week or two


Well-Known Member
looks fine but for gods sake give her some water. Can you not see how dry the soil looks. yikes feed your woman


Well-Known Member
i watered her after i took the pic my last grow 3 years ago i killed my plant from over watering so pretty careful this time an amatuers mistakebongsmilie


Active Member
Looks totally fine... Lower leaves always get a little gnarly. I would transplant that girl in about 1-2 weeks or you'll really start seeing issues. If you want to know when to water, stick your pinky into the soil and go almost up to the second knuckle. If its dry - water. If it feels wet, wait a day. If it feels moist and the lights will be on for awhile, check after several hours. They key is not to over or under water. The pinky method has never failed me... just pay attention to dry, moist or wet and dont skip out on waterings.


I always go by weight when watering, if in a pot that is ;-). I let the soil get nice and light forcing the roots to grow in search of water maybe even the leaves droop a little, and when the water comes it perks up and grows fast. Its not for everyone, but thats my style. 8-) As for the nutes I have used alot ofkinds, and found that foxfarm, and Canna have done well for me. What is the lighting situation? looks like you took the pix in the bathroom, whatever it is keep up the good work. That pot should be a good size to finish in if you start flowering soon.


Well-Known Member
hey bud thanks for the info i am going to use fox farm grow big in maybe a week or two after i transplant as for lighting i am using 2 cfl a buddy gave me but i just got a 125w cfl wish isnt much also my closet is 7ft high 1.5ft deep 4ft wide wish is small but could it work or will i have to make a box or somthing any advice would help thanks


In a space that size you will need good ventalation, air flow will be tight, 2 plants mature would most likely work but be cramped. The lights may be a little weak for the whole grow, there are some low energy alternatives that will yield much more than cfl will. For example - Model: 9266 - 65W Fluorex Floodlight (Brown), but puts out 10x more light 6,825 lumens. Thats a flood light from Lights Of America for under 40$. cheap exhaust fan placed at the top will pull the warm air out, and force a little circulation.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
thanks bud going to try out the fluorex lights il keep u posted as for the space its just temp until i can afford a tent