Is my plant overwatered? *plz Help*

Could someone let me know if this clone has been overwatered? I dont wanna lose her cuz she is my Lemon Skunk!!! Plz let me know of foliar spray will help?! Is it overwatered? What can i easily do to save her? All input is appreciated!20140125_010100.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea a pH problem for sure. She has every def in the damn book. Those toasted leaves are roached, but there looks to be plenty of healthy ones left. If you act fast and get her into a better medium you may be able to save her.


New Member
Was the soil pre -ferted to start with? Slow release fert? what is the ph of soil? what ph water are you feeding? how often are you feeding nutes and at what ph and at what dose? You have nute lock out. Fush with plain phd water and let dry out. Go hempy bucket and you wont have any of these problems as you have TOTAL control over everything. It is fool proof and your yield from hempy will blow soil away.


New Member
NEVER GIVE UP. She will bounce back, they are a very hardy plant man and they deserve more credit. you will diminish your yield and also delay your harvest with these probs but. You will learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
The droop is from the transplant and will improve, the issue is the ph being wrong and now it has multiple def.The new soil might help you need to ph your waterings and feeds at 6.5 or this will continue.
This is what she looks like now after i trimmed. . I will go get worm castings n bat guana n veggin nutes but was told to wait a week or so. Is the discoloration from light bleaching? 20140125_115123.jpg20140125_115048.jpg:joint::peace:
Idk the ph of soil. But its Harvest Plenty premium Vegan organic mix. Its a mix of 25 fruit n veggies with coco peat, n perlite.if u look in this thread it is trimmed now and was lookin much better when i woke up n started my lights this morning.
Can u look at the the pics i posted of this plant when i woke up this mornin n started trimming? It looked a lot better this morning coming off 6hr darkness. Is the light causing bleaching on this yellow leaf? I did research n Lemon Skunk will produce light green leaves, but do they look like this?


Well-Known Member
My guess is iron deficiency due to overwatering. Possibly sulphur as well if your pH is low.

But anyway the problem is overwatering, not lack of Fe or S. Droopy leaves looked overwatered. Make your soil moist, not soggy.

Just my opinion.


Active Member
Dude a saw a video of this guy that tossed one of his plants out to die and it dug its roots into the ground and turned around and kept growing. We're not talking about some delicate little flower here there's almost always hope.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Organic one year old cow patties will cure even the sickest pot plant. Get some real plantpots. Those improvised plantpots are killin' your plants. The soil should have good drainage so they can be watered more often. Infrequent waterings due to spongy soil will cause undesirable gas to build up around the roots. Soil with good drainage, every watering will exchange the gas in the plantpot as it runs through the soil and out the bottom of the plantpot.