Is my plants growth stunted?


Active Member
Hey guys. I planted this seed which is an auto flower on June1. It broke ground on June 6 and now at July 19. The plant is still only about 4in tall. I am growing with cfl's. 4 to be exact. I run the lights 24/0. The plant growth is strange. I've never seen such deformed looking leaves. The plants is bushy but doesn't have any height. I am using nutrients so I don't know why it won't grow. What am I doing wrong? Thx



Active Member
Well I would chalk this one up as a learning experience and move on.
That plant is very small, looks like a branch that was cloned while in flower.
Its not going to do much more then what you see now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if this is not a joke u need to start doing some research and reading, ur plant is real fucked up, im not trying to hurt ur feelings, but if u do ur homework u could increase ur productivity a 150%, some people get 2-3oz off one plant will a 4 week veg and 8 week flower, the end height can be up to 5-6 feet, i suggest u do some reading on this site alot of good info on here, everything u ever need to know


Active Member
Are you serious?
Its flowering, lol. If you didn't clone that, you got one f*cked up seed buddy.
That shit looks like Sloth from the goonies, just dumb. Sorry mate.