Is my Pot PLant stunted ? HElp PLease! PIcS!


Active Member
Ok so i got this one plant and its about 32-33 days from seed and its really small and i wanna know if its stunted? or if its still worth keeping still?

i Dont think i got the right amout of light i got 1 26 watt 2700L light and a 15watt florescent bulb, i do how ever keeep my plant on the edge of my room window now,

ANy help or advice i would really like thank you!




Active Member
yeah add more lights or put it outside. and give a splash of nutes
well i live in apartments soo i cant just leave it outside unattended and shit, soo is it alright if i leave them by my room window?

and as far as the nutes go, How much do i put and how often? like is it feed+water then wait 2-3 days and give it water or what?

thanks again!


Active Member
window sill really isnt good enough unless you can keep moving it into direct sunlight.. if you're going to supplement with lights, some of those curly 27 watt (the package will say 100 watt equiv) Compact Flourescent Lights will do the trick. You would actually be better off in a closet or grow box with a bunch of warm white (red spectrum) and bright/daylight (blue spectrum) CFLs. You dont have to worry about excessive temps or wiring up ballasts for HID lights.

What do you have to feed it? What kind of soil is it in? How many hours of light is it getting every day? How tall is it? How big is that container its in?
It is very stunted, but still worth giving it a chance.


Active Member
window sill really isnt good enough unless you can keep moving it into direct sunlight.. if you're going to supplement with lights, some of those curly 27 watt (the package will say 100 watt equiv) Compact Flourescent Lights will do the trick. You would actually be better off in a closet or grow box with a bunch of warm white (red spectrum) and bright/daylight (blue spectrum) CFLs. You dont have to worry about excessive temps or wiring up ballasts for HID lights.

What do you have to feed it? What kind of soil is it in? How many hours of light is it getting every day? How tall is it? How big is that container its in?
It is very stunted, but still worth giving it a chance.

so far to feed it i got floralicious bloom nd Molasses But only been giving it small amounts, the soil i got it in is Black Magics Potting soil, how tall idk but if u can tell from the pics then go for it, the container its in is about 4-5 gal. ima see if it recovers then again idk if i should just toss it or keep it!


Active Member
so far to feed it i got floralicious bloom nd Molasses
That is a good mix when you hit the flowering stage. There isnt enough nitrogen in what you're giving it now. Go to your hydro store and pick up some fox farm gro big or botnicare pro gro. The container is WAY too big for how wee that plant is. Dig it up with a spoon and transplant into a party cup with holes punched into the bottem. Any way you could snap a pic with your hand next to the plant so we can get an idea of how big it is? From the looks of it, it's no bigger then a finger.