Is my regime complete??


Active Member
My regime:::

***soil grow***
Botanicare Pro Blend: Grow
Botanicare Pro Blend: Bloom
Liquid Karma
Vegan Plant Booster
Dutch Masters Silica
Liquid KoolBloom Bulker
Floralicious for sweet
Final Phase for flush
SNS 217 for pests

anything i should take out or add???? any help is appreciated!
Thanks RIU,


Active Member
liquid karma and floralicious are almost the same so id alternate between the two or save one for next round. only thing i suggest is shooting powder by house n garden. it adds growth in weeks 5-6 that kool bloom just cant match. also be sure to use the kool bloom in very small amounts. possibly sum snow storm ultra for foilar feeding.


Active Member
liquid karma and floralicious are almost the same so id alternate between the two or save one for next round. only thing i suggest is shooting powder by house n garden. it adds growth in weeks 5-6 that kool bloom just cant match. also be sure to use the kool bloom in very small amounts. possibly sum snow storm ultra for foilar feeding.

maybe i misunderstood but i thought liquid karma was for the roots and sturdiness of the plants structure and stocks. not for sweetening the flower when its in bloom? if anyone could clear this up for me.
and as for the shooting powder, i've read some very good reviews on that stuff. i think im going to try this koolbloom for this go-round and see how much the buds actually "bulk" up. then next crop ill try the shooting powder to compare. thanks for that advice :)

and can you touch on what you think about koolbloom meaning how much to use and whatnot. what are some things to watch out for when using it? and when did you use it? last 2 weeks before flushing weeks? im planning on flushing for about 2 weeks just to make sure i get everything out. dont want to interrupt the flavor.

thanks man!!!



New Member
liquid karma and floralicious are almost the same so id alternate between the two or save one for next round. only thing i suggest is shooting powder by house n garden. it adds growth in weeks 5-6 that kool bloom just cant match. also be sure to use the kool bloom in very small amounts. possibly sum snow storm ultra for foilar feeding.
Totally agree with sacprate thinking and it's very useful discussion for me.