Is my scrog full enough to switch?


So I'm currently growing under a 600w and a 400w in a 4.5x4.5 tent. I have 6 plants in 5 gallon bags. I'm growing kalichakra which is mainly sativa.

My question is, does it look about time to switch? This strain does stretch quite a bit. Some of these plants have gotten less veg time then others so there not all quite on the same page.

What do you guys think? Switch now or wait?

I was also wondering if those 5 gallon pots will be enough? The biggest plant I have in there had about a 2 month veg. The rest about 6 weeks to 4 weeks.

Oh and also, the 400w doesn't quite get enough light to the edges, should I raise it more so it will reach those spots? it's about 10 inches from the screen right now.



to me it's not ready yet give it 2-3 more veg weeks. but if you know well this strain and you think the stretch will fill it up then go 12/12. and for the 400w yeah putting it higher will make it cover more surface but you will have less light penetration, but your plants aren't rly bushy so you might not need a lot of penetration. i have adjust a wings relfectors and they are really good for covering large surface (or little ones), they can be set many different ways.


Well-Known Member
I've grown in scrogs before and I always try to get the screen atleast 3/4 full before I switch. Then keep weaving the branches untill you start to see signs of flowers. From the lookks of yours I'd prolly give it another week if it is growing fast(more than an inch per day), maybe 2 if its not. This will give you a good full screen which will maximize your flowering sites. Then at about 3 weeks in once most of the stretch is done, and the buds are starting to build I would trim out all growth under the screen. It will never get any light down there, so this will allow the plant to exert its energy upwards.


Global Moderator
Staff member
It doesn't look like your screen is full enough for my liking either.
Then again I don't mind adding 7 - 14 extra days training (more than many people do) as the reward is well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of my current scrog.. 2 plants in there, both were mothers, so they were nice and big when I stuck them in.. been taking pics about every 10 days.. My table is 3x3. I will veg until at LEAST 90% is full. I top the middle growth to stay low while the new growth catches up.. This table has 2x2 inch holes, and I guarantee every hole will have a top.


ALSO.. Here is an older scrog with 4 plants.. I flipped very early, but knew how they would stretch. You need to know how the plant will react to the flip, and go from there.
