is my Scrog full enough?


Well-Known Member
Grow Details:
Light: 600w Dimmable digital ballast being ran @ 50% in veg and will be incresed to 75 or 100 once the hps is installed during flower.
Space: 8x4x7 tent divide in half so well just say 4x4x7.
Pot: 3 gal pots.

Been in Veg for 7 or 8 weeks now. Will begin flowering under a 450w(75%) MH for the first two weeks tomorrow. After stretch has ended ill switch to a HPS for the remaining of flower. Last time I ran this strain she went 9-10 weeks in flower so im hoping I can cut that to a solid 8 weeks this time. Well heres pics of the scrog, this is my second gro every.



Well-Known Member
And to anyone considering scrog. I have not reeped the benefits of this technique yet but I did leave on business for about 7 days. When I returned my lack of training for those 7 days was HORRIBLE! !!! Even if u only move a branch or two each day thats 14 by the end of the week. Stay on top of it, youve been warned.... thanks for passing and leave a comment. I want to defoilage the bottom tomorrow but Im thinkin I should give it a couple days in flower but aim to be done by day 14. Let me know what u guys think on that and the scrog fullness. Thanks for passing.



Global Moderator
Staff member
I let mine fill up quite a bit more than that, every lower branch that makes it to the canopy becomes a bud so I like as many as possible to get there.
Just keep shoving them back down, they'll get the idea. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I let mine fill up quite a bit more than that, every lower branch that makes it to the canopy becomes a bud so I like as many as possible to get there.
Just keep shoving them back down, they'll get the idea. :cool:
What do u think about the pot sizes? Are they big enough to no get rootbound?


Global Moderator
Staff member
3 gallons will probably be ok - I usually use 4 gallon buckets, but then again I've been known to grow 2 plants per bucket on occasion too.