Is my setup alright?

I am starting my first indoor grow, I've grown outdoor before.
So I have -
2x 21" T8 60w equivalent using 15w grow light
1x 200w equivalent 42w 6500k CFl
I also have a few 13w CFLs if needed.

How many plants is my setup suitable to grow?
Will my setup be able to grow one plant?



Well-Known Member
Will my setup be able to grow one plant?Thanks
thats' about it but I'd try keeping two going none the less, you can always keep adding more cfls.
Be sure and make some kind of reflectors for your cfls as they radiate most of their light away from the plant.


Well-Known Member
You can't forget your fans. And I would use the 2400k CFL for flowering. 1 6500k for every 2-3 2400k


Well-Known Member
sorry, I thought you said sCrog, sog would have to be short clones flowereed as soon as they rooted.