is my stem supposed to be that curly :/


New Member
Hey guys!
total newbie here. My stem is really curly and looks pretty fucked up please help me and tell me if something is wrong.
If this is your first grow in that medium. Take a sample of it and run thru some water. Test the ph and ppm of tge run off. If you dont have these get asap.
did it curl back underground and back out again ? it looks like you might have over watered the seedling and or it popped upside down and tried to correct itself.

give it a couple days. nature is both strange and unusual

Spot on, if the environment is going to kill it at that age there is nothing you can do now just let it do it's thing. but realistically i have had plenty of messed up looking seedlings that grew into monsters



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Dude it just popped and hasn't opened up yet. If you are stressin' already you have a long road ahead of you. Chill and let time run its course. I don't expect you to do this because we all probably did, but don't over stress/overthink things. This is a learning experience for you. Let it teach you.
You didn't plant the seed deep enough or it must have shifted after you planted it.
It will probably survive if you dont go loving it to death. You only need a small cfl and not soaking wet but moist soil for about a week.