Is my water hard?


Well-Known Member
So I was wondering if my water is hard. My ec is about .304. Do I need to buy the 'hard water' formulation of nutrients? Here's a water analysis breakdown from my water supplies website if this helps (at the bottom). Thanks!


Well-Known Member
you know they do sell water filters.
Only have a 15 gallon rez that I change every 2 weeks. Not looking to invest a hundred dollars or more when I only need about 150 gallons the whole grow. I now know that calcium should be 40-60ppm and mag should be 30-40ppm. All I'm wondering is 100ppm considered hard water or not. Filtering is probably out of the question, so doing best with what I got.


Well-Known Member
when you wash your hair is it hard to get the soap out. if not you have hard water