Well-Known Member
He said penal!Well, we'd really like to ...
in reality my planet uses Earth as a penal colony.

He said penal!Well, we'd really like to ...
in reality my planet uses Earth as a penal colony.
As much as I hate to bag on religion, there is something (IMO) to the development of narcissism that allows a person to believe that the most powerful being that made the sun, stars, planet, all life and everything else, will sit there and listen to their bullshit night after night no matter what.
Once you believe that you are important enough for God to listen to you, the sky's the limit on what you can trick yourself into believing just because you think it is true.
With a little of the 'someone is always watching you so you better be good' during a period in humanities development that meant you might see another person for months/years at a time, so when you, make sure you do don't Murp people when you happen across them. Because if you do you will be punished for all eternity.Was thinking about this some more and it's blowing my mind a bit. One popular method of marketing and/or creating interest in stories/movies is that whole "I'm super special" thing. It's like the fantasy of winning the lottery, or being bitten by that radioactive spider and developing powers. People have this inherent narcissistic attraction with wanting to feel special. Then you got me thinking about how religion teaches that you don't truly die and you get to live on forever after your meatbag expires. That's the same marketing technique that still crushes it today. It's all a fucking beer commercial.
I was brought up in a religious household and came to a conclusion when I was relatively young. Religion exists because it’s difficult for humans to believe we are the insignificant spec in the cosmos, that we are.Was thinking about this some more and it's blowing my mind a bit. One popular method of marketing and/or creating interest in stories/movies is that whole "I'm super special" thing. It's like the fantasy of winning the lottery, or being bitten by that radioactive spider and developing powers. People have this inherent narcissistic attraction with wanting to feel special. Then you got me thinking about how religion teaches that you don't truly die and you get to live on forever after your meatbag expires. That's the same marketing technique that still crushes it today. It's all a fucking beer commercial.
I miss those two retards.NASA should have just ignored Congressional power to direct spending and just gone on with space exploration without it. The "steely eyed Rocket Men" were pussies. They caved and accepted reality. @Padawanbater2 will never forgive them for that.
I was brought up in a religious household and came to a conclusion when I was relatively young. Religion exists because it’s difficult for humans to believe we are the insignificant spec in the cosmos, that we are.
Self importance is a most human trait.
I just wish people could be real about what it is that they feel they like the Republicans, how hard is it to admit to themselves that it is the shit reasons that they know are wrong that makes them cling to all the gas lighting that they use to 'own the lib' until they can get to their safe space.I miss those two retards.
The other being @ttystikk of course.
They made finshaggy seem intelligent.
I thought I'd google that for fun, 20 million hits...Aliens from outer space rule the world secretly.
https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/08/31/are-you-a-mind-controlled-cia-stooge-paul-craig-roberts/Why are conspiracy theories appealing to so many people? Are some people more likely to believe conspiracy theories than others? Do conspiracy theories make people feel better? What are the psychological and social consequences of conspiracy theories? Is it possible to reduce belief in conspiracy theories?
Millions of people disbelieve official explanations for significant political and social events in favour of alternative accounts that are often called ‘conspiracy theories’. For example, well known conspiracy theories contend that the 9/11 attacks were an 'inside job', that climate change is a hoax, and that Princess Diana was murdered by the British government.
Conspiracy theories like these are very popular - about half of the population believes at least one - and in recent years psychologists have begun to investigate what makes these conspiracy theories appealing to so many people.
Karen Douglas, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Kent, will talk about what research has discovered so far, and will outline her own programme of research on the psychology of conspiracy theories.
Does the fact that you believe that the moon landing was staged and that the Earth is flat make you feel unique and stand out in our social group? Food for thought and an event to attend.
Arguments from authority carry little weight, see bullshit detection kit above.Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11?
Same shit, not evidence, we are going back to the moon in a few years, where will you be then? You won't admit you are wrong and were a fool.Here's some psychology.
McCann's Embedded Confessions - PART 1 OF 3
He does the Apollo astronauts' interviews too.
Analysing The Astronauts - PART 1 OF 3
Analysing The Astronauts - PART 2 OF 3
Analysing The Astronauts - PART 3 OF 3
Insufficient data, captainYou shills* can rant all you want. The proof that the moon missions were faked is so clear that once people have seen it, there's nothing you can do to make them think they were real.
Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?
NASA lies about evidence of extraterrestrial life, not having gone to the moon. I think John Glenn would have to have a talk with you or maybe a cage match to debate that one.www.rollitup.org
Club Conspiracy Forums-Counter Intellegience Tricks and Techniques
Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation by H. Michael Sweeney sweenfam@teleport.com copyright (c) 1997 All rights reserved Perwww.clubconspiracy.com
What about plasma beings?when asked, the people who know there stuff about the radiation belt? or the radiashon in space said it woould kill anyone or anything that tried to get as far as the noon.
i have issues wuith the photographes taken on the moon, the shadows cast come from all directions and dont make sence, i think its a big lie
Here's some alternative info on space radiation.the people who know there stuff about the radiation belt? or the radiashon in space said it woould kill anyone or anything that tried to get as far as the noon.