Is Obama's cabinet jumping ship?


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So Rahm Emanuel has left Obama's Cabinet supposedly for greener pastures as a political campaign manager back in Chicago. White House Budget Director Peter Orszaghas resigned. Are people starting to jump ship? Will we see more and more of this? Whats going on?


Well-Known Member
haha yes they are, no one wants to work for obama and his policies and get a bad name for themselves for future elections. Hell even democrat leaders are jumping ship from his ideas............ Im just glad I didnt vote for the guy :clap:


Well-Known Member
So Rahm Emanuel has left Obama's Cabinet supposedly for greener pastures as a political campaign manager back in Chicago. White House Budget Director Peter Orszaghas resigned. Are people starting to jump ship? Will we see more and more of this? Whats going on?
I think we are going to see more of this. This is what we have seen so far...
Lawrence Summers, Head of the National Economic Council
Christina Romer, Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors
Peter Orszag, Head of the Office of Management and Budget.
Phil Carter, Obama's top detainee affairs policy appointee at the Pentagon
Greg Craig, White House Lawyer
Matthew Hoh, Foreign Service Officer
Yosi Sergant, Director of Communications at the National Endowment for the Arts
Melissa Hathaway, Obama's Cybersecurity Czar
Susan Crawford, Obama's Technology Policy Adviser
Steve Rattner, "Car Czar"
Van Jones, Obama's Green Jobs Czar
David W. Ogden, Deputy Attorney General

All of the above have stepped down. In fairness, Ogden already had a successful private practice in Washington. Similarly, Susan Crawford was also a pretty successful Law Professor at the University of Michigan. In an attempt to not seem hyperbolic, I did not even include in my list; Anita Dunn, who took the job of Communications Director on an interim basis after Ellen Moran stepped down to be Chief of Staff to Gary Locke. And look for General Jim Jones, National Security Adviser to step down by the end of the year. Have I missed any?


Well-Known Member
Emanuel is stepping down to run for mayor of Chicago is what I read. And I don't think people are jumping ship. Obama's approval rating is 48% which is higher than Bush and Clinton's first mid term elections. I wouldn't sell out the Democrats just yet. The GOP are talking a big game and some of the motivated ones may come out to vote, but they'll need a huge turn out to have any kind of referendum.


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"During a staff meeting in the White House's Roosevelt Room on Friday morning, Council of Economic Advisers chair Austan Goolsbee handed Emanuel a dead Asian carp wrapped in copies of the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times." Hows that for a goodbye?


Well-Known Member
"During a staff meeting in the White House's Roosevelt Room on Friday morning, Council of Economic Advisers chair Austan Goolsbee handed Emanuel a dead Asian carp wrapped in copies of the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times." Hows that for a goodbye?
that is a fitting goodbye for a motherfucker like rahm....haha

this is just normal shit...white house shelf life is about 18 months to 2 years.



Well-Known Member
"During a staff meeting in the White House's Roosevelt Room on Friday morning, Council of Economic Advisers chair Austan Goolsbee handed Emanuel a dead Asian carp wrapped in copies of the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times." Hows that for a goodbye?
A joking goodbye?


Well-Known Member
A joking goodbye?
The gift, wrapped in copies of the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, was in reference to a well publicized story on Mr Obama's key aide. Mr Emanuel once reportedly sent a pollster he had fallen out with the same gift – as a warning never to cross him again.
The incident was later repeated in The West Wing, an award-winning American political drama, starring Bradley Whitford as White House deputy chief of staff Josh Lyman, whose character was said to be inspired by Mr Emanuel.
The specific species given to him on Friday was a reference to his focus on the aggressive, invasive Asian carp, bane of the Great Lakes, a plankton-devouring creature heading towards Chicago.


Well-Known Member
Emanuel is stepping down to run for mayor of Chicago is what I read. And I don't think people are jumping ship. Obama's approval rating is 48% which is higher than Bush and Clinton's first mid term elections. I wouldn't sell out the Democrats just yet. The GOP are talking a big game and some of the motivated ones may come out to vote, but they'll need a huge turn out to have any kind of referendum.
I just read the latest Rasmussen tracking poll, Obama has an approval rating of 29%, 44% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE leaving him with an approval index rating of NEGATIVE 19.

Perhaps your approval numbers came from another year?


Well-Known Member
can't use realclearpolitics either, too much of a left tilt. Split the difference then, 39% approval, or just shitty however you want to put that.


Well-Known Member
can't use realclearpolitics either, too much of a left tilt. Split the difference then, 39% approval, or just shitty however you want to put that.
actually, rcp has a slight right tilt. you can easily see who all their polls come from, too. consistently 45%.

no shittier than reagan at this point in his term.


Well-Known Member
actually, rcp has a slight right tilt. you can easily see who all their polls come from, too. consistently 45%.

no shittier than reagan at this point in his term.
Yep, Reagan Did not have a high rating his first two years, but then his policies actually worked and turned the highly inflationary economy on its ear and into something substantial. He got re elected. Obama will not. Just like Carter did not, in fact in another generation we will look back and wonder who the worst president of all times was and we will come up with a short list. Obama will be on that list.

Polling group's most recent poll for President Barack Obama: Polling Group (Reverse Chronologically) Date Approval Disapproval Other Rasmussen Reports[2][3] August 19, 2010 45% 53% 2% Gallup[4][5] August 17-19, 2010 42% 51% 7% TIME[6] August 16-17, 2010 46% 45% 9% Associated Press - GfK[6][7] August 11-16, 2010 49% 50% 1% FOX News/Opinion Dynamics[6] August 10-11, 2010 43% 49% 8% CNN/Opinion Research[6] August 6-10, 2010 47% 51% 2% NBC/Wall Street Journal[6][8] August 5-9, 2010 47% 48% 5% USA Today[9][6] August 1-2, 2010 41% 53% 6% Ipsos/McClatchy[6] July 22-25, 2010 48% 48% 4% Quinnipiac University[10] July 13-19, 2010 44% 48% 8% CBS News/New York Times[6] July 9-12, 2010 44% 44% 12% ABC News/Washington Post[6][11] July 7-11, 2010 50% 47% 3% Newsweek[6] June 23-24, 2010 48% 46% 6% Marist College[6] June 17-24, 2010 44% 45% 11% Pew Research Center[6] June 16-20, 2010 48% 43% 9% Battleground[6] April 5-8, 2010 49% 47% 4%

The stupid Page formatting didn't carry over so go see the proper wiki article on Obama approval ratings here:

If you weight each one evenly, you will see that the disapproval wins hands down no argument possible. But what are approval numbers anyway? I've never been asked, and no one I have ever known has ever been asked. Have you ever been asked? You have to wonder if all they do is call the same few people over and over and get their opinion. Polls mean nothing to me and to even argue that they reflect reality is sheer nonsense.


Well-Known Member
unpopular =/= worst.

Obama is running a very idealistic presidency; He has accomplished more sweeping reform in two years than many presidents accomplished in four. It's the idealism that gets him... When you have a strong opinion it's likely that someone is going to disagree with you.

Obama is in the same situation that both Reagan and Clinton were in in their first midterms. Oh, and white house staffers leaving after a year or two is very common.

As Clinton said about Sarah Palin, it is the truth the the right is "... thriving in a time of virtually fact-free politics."
unpopular =/= worst.

Obama is running a very idealistic presidency; He has accomplished more sweeping reform in two years than many presidents accomplished in four. It's the idealism that gets him... When you have a strong opinion it's likely that someone is going to disagree with you.

Obama is in the same situation that both Reagan and Clinton were in in their first midterms. Oh, and white house staffers leaving after a year or two is very common.

As Clinton said about Sarah Palin, it is the truth the the right is "... thriving in a time of virtually fact-free politics."
I never expected Obama's poll numbers to ever go above 60 to be honest? Why? Well there are individuals such as NoDrama amongst others that just don't disagree with his politics, whether social or economical or what have you. But they also have this disdain and vehement hatred for him that I really can't capture in words. From believing he is a muslim to believing he is a socialist, to believing he is Kenyan born, to believing that health care reform would set up death panels, that FEMA started concentration camps, that he would come in and take your guns, and amongst all the other horseshit these motherfuckers go to sleep thinking everynight, I am not surprised to see where he is.

And his numbers are hand-in-hand with the economy. Any individual, liberal, conservative, democrat, Republican, independent, and regardless of their thoughts on how this crisis should have handled, should not have at any minute believed that this recession would be immediately fixed within a 2 to 3 years. When the magnitude of this recession, in numbers, is compared to only that of the Great Depression and no other recession before then, and we end up only having about a 9% unemployment rate, you should be pretty damn happy with where it is right now. Because just bailing out the banks and auto industry would not have worked on its own. At all.


Well-Known Member
I never expected Obama's poll numbers to ever go above 60 to be honest? Why? Well there are individuals such as NoDrama amongst others that just don't disagree with his politics, whether social or economical or what have you. But they also have this disdain and vehement hatred for him that I really can't capture in words. From believing he is a muslim to believing he is a socialist, to believing he is Kenyan born, to believing that health care reform would set up death panels, that FEMA started concentration camps, that he would come in and take your guns, and amongst all the other horseshit these motherfuckers go to sleep thinking everynight, I am not surprised to see where he is.
I don't think any of those things, maybe you ought to try again. I think Obama is a damn fine person to tell you the truth, in fact i couldn't tell you one single thing I don't like about the fella other than the fact he is a president who has no spine to tackle the real issues and who has surrounded himself with nothing but lawyers and financiers. Obama isn't deciding what to do, the banks and wall street are the ones running the show. And they run the show in their favor, not yours.

You wish we had 9% unemployment, those numbers come from the US Factory where unicorns shit rainbows, the fake ones that they use to make you think everything is going to be ok all the while making sure you won't have a pot to piss in in a couple years.