Is Pierre Poilievre Canada’s trump?

Trudeau, Poilievre neck-and-neck in preferred prime minister polling: Nanos

According to the results of new polling from Nanos Research, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre is the preferred prime minister for 30 per cent of Canadians. But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn't far behind, sitting at 29.8 per cent.

Read in CTV News:

Seriously? WTF Canada?
About 33% of every country on earth are assholes, Canada is no exception, after visible minorities exceed a certain threshold in their areas, they get a bit squirrely and are neophobes in general. Same in Europe BTW and in America they have control of one of the only two parties allowed by law in many places. Now that one party has gone fascist, they are reduced to a one-party state, which ever one wins will exterminate the other politically or legally if they can. One because they are fascist assholes and con artists who need to maintain power with a minority and the other as a constitutional and patriotic duty. I or most Canadians wouldn't be nearly as interested, if it wasn't a death match between liberal democracy and authoritarianism.

It's kinda the same in Ukraine, where the struggle for liberal democracy takes a different form, but you'll notice that the Maga republicans are allied with the Russians and spout the exact same propaganda lines.
Trudeau, Poilievre neck-and-neck in preferred prime minister polling: Nanos

According to the results of new polling from Nanos Research, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre is the preferred prime minister for 30 per cent of Canadians. But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn't far behind, sitting at 29.8 per cent.

Read in CTV News:

Seriously? WTF Canada?
They do in Canada too BTW and many Tories and those on the right spout this Russian propaganda shit too.
About 33% of every country on earth are assholes, Canada is no exception, after visible minorities exceed a certain threshold in their areas, they get a bit squirrely and are neophobes in general. Same in Europe BTW and in America they have control of one of the only two parties allowed by law in many places. Now that one party has gone fascist, they are reduced to a one-party state, which ever one wins will exterminate the other politically or legally if they can. One because they are fascist assholes and con artists who need to maintain power with a minority and the other as a constitutional and patriotic duty. I or most Canadians wouldn't be nearly as interested, if it wasn't a death match between liberal democracy and authoritarianism.

It kinda the same in Ukraine, where the struggle for liberal democracy takes a different form, but you'll notice that the Maga republicans are allied Russians and spout the exact same propaganda lines.
The populists get most of their support from the simple minded. Go figure.
The populists get most of their support from the simple minded. Go figure.
I figure they are enemies of liberal democracy, no different than Putin and his base of support, he had enough of a minority to fake the rest, with his opposition dead or in prison. They exist everywhere and must be opposed everywhere, it's liberal democracy or nothing, we cannot peacefully coexist with people who have malicious intentions and are prone to violence and cheating when they lose.
The populists get most of their support from the simple minded. Go figure.

The con vote is usually around 30% and if it wasn't for our broken democracy wouldn't be able to get elected with majority governments; which is Trudeau's biggest failure when he dropped electoral reform when there was no real support for ranked ballots and it was clear proportional representation was the preferred option.
Canada has its issues with bigotry and racism, but we don't have people in public speaking like this to crowds of racist lunatics, much less a politician. We don't have a party devoted to suppressing minorities and openly promoting fascism that is controlled by a rabid base. The American political system amplifies, tribalizes and polarizes, a two-party system is only one party removed from a one-party state and that's what they will have, one way or another, and gridlock until then. Time to change things, open up the system to multiparty democracy, apply the monopoly laws FFS, you don't allow it in commerce, why in politics. Forget registering and primaries unless they are all open, registering fosters tribalism and hampers political mobility, none of it and political parties are in the US constitution.

Things have a tendency to leak through to Canada from the states, not all of them good. However, this is a global phenomenon a reaction to globalization, but I think it might have something to do with the internet and how people are increasingly getting their information and the ability to form communities and tribes online that give them social support when they read and spout bullshit.

Did you miss the news around PP shaking hands with the leaders of the Diagonal movement and then trying to deny he knew they were white supremist extremists accelerationist movement who are getting ready for the "imminent racial civil war" they expect will be the start of their "pure" nation...

O'toole had to back peddle after the video of him talking to Laurier students where he's clearly dog whistling and feeding their "us vs the elites" delusions. The cons are stuck between appealing to their regressive social base to win the leadership which inevitably poison's them as a candidate to the majority of Canadians that have no interest is their social views. Just look at all the regressive Premiers we have that got voted in on populist issues like Ford railing against the updated sex ed curriculum during his run against Wynn, only to drop it all when it was clear the majority supported the policy; including teachers. The tribes are just as alive and thriving in Canada, the divide just isn't 50/50 like the states but more 70/30 with the left vote being split between the libs, NDP, greens and Bloc in Quebec. Which because of our broken democracy that elects majorities with a minority of the vote we end up bouncing between the libs/cons when the ruling parties incompetence/corruption becomes to evident after a decade in power. Which is the risk with PP as Trudeau's been around too long and we're due for a switch but sweet jebus help us if PP is the replacement with his delusional policy like investing in bit coin to fix the economy.
I lived in Mississauga for a couple years, and wasaga beach was beautiful back then. I hear that’s gone to shit now as well.
Nobody goes to Wasaga beach anymore, it's too busy.

Fond memories there camping/beaching in 1989. Had a backlash to the Coleman camping fuel can which resulted in 10 foot flames as the whole can was ablaze. Somehow it rendered us ineligible to stay a second night.

The great lakes used to be so great....more like fucking digusting as fuck and never go swimming in them now.

Wish it wasnt like that, i remember as kids we could swim in many of them, and locations
Ontario has some great beaches ,
than they got all destroyed and polluted.

Waterfront destinations are different than 40 years ago, for sure. Many beaches have been naturalized, so there are sand dunes, tall grasses and drift wood. It depends what you're into - I don't go there to swim. Many great things about being near the water though - the view, listening to the waves, casting a pole, sand castles, looking for coloured glass, sun bathing, getting lucky, burning a fatty, people watching, skipping rocks, bonfires, watch the sun set, etc. Tobermory is a scuba diving destination as the water is very clear there. Many cottages in the north draw water directly from the lake they're on for drinking.
The press is the enemy of the people? Hmmmm, where have I heard that before?

The Conservative Party Leader can only hide behind his fabricated victimhood for so long

Read in The Globe and Mail:
How does he feel about immigration? The kind of losers who would vote for him wouldn't like it. We have an acute labor shortage, even though 25% of Canadians are immigrants. We know how populists and nationalists think about immigration.

The press is the enemy of the people? Hmmmm, where have I heard that before?

The Conservative Party Leader can only hide behind his fabricated victimhood for so long

Read in The Globe and Mail:
Maybe he could get Trump to endorse him... He is definitely going for the moron vote, about 90% of Canadians are vaxxed.
Hes getting more than the moron vote, sadly.
Facts and policy don't matter anymore, it's all about feels and not thinking, propaganda, not news. Not much different than the states in many respects, the profoundly ignorant blame the government for global phenomena like gas prices and inflation. Then they elect the party behind most of the inequality and trouble thinking they will solve the problems when all they offer are more problems, many of which they just pull outta their own asses. Many hated Trudeau over vaccines and masks, even though it was a largely provincial matter, but the social media mob, nonetheless seems to have forgotten basic civics.
The press is the enemy of the people? Hmmmm, where have I heard that before?

The Conservative Party Leader can only hide behind his fabricated victimhood for so long

Read in The Globe and Mail:
Trump and Putin are other victims of bad press too, act and speak like an asshole and when they quote you or report on you, they are somehow lying? I noticed the conspiracy can rapidly grow to include tens of thousands of people, millions in some cases of international news and involve news organizations globally. It's men in black stuff, they don't like me because I'm so fucking good and will set things right! Lies, fake news and alternative realities, blah, blah.
Trump and Putin are other victims of bad press too, act and speak like an asshole and when they quote you or report on you, they are somehow lying? I noticed the conspiracy can rapidly grow to include tens of thousands of people, millions in some cases of international news and involve news organizations globally. It's men in black stuff, they don't like me because I'm so fucking good and will set things right! Lies, fake news and alternative realities, blah, blah.

It ties into their belief that one lone wolf will stand up against the "woke" minority imposing their views and save the world from whatever calamity their brains have twisted social progress into. Look at the popular media/movies they consume and it usually revolves around one tough guy who doesn't play by the rules standing up against the "broken" system to do what's right and save the day. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trumps rotted his brain with that kind of gibberish as it sounds like he thought he was leading a "revolution" during the Jan 6th insurrection when you look at him fighting with his driver/security detail to go join the march to the capital hill...
It ties into their belief that one lone wolf will stand up against the "woke" minority imposing their views and save the world from whatever calamity their brains have twisted social progress into. Look at the popular media/movies they consume and it usually revolves around one tough guy who doesn't play by the rules standing up against the "broken" system to do what's right and save the day. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trumps rotted his brain with that kind of gibberish as it sounds like he thought he was leading a "revolution" during the Jan 6th insurrection when you look at him fighting with his driver/security detail to go join the march to the capital hill...
While his base might think like that to an extent, That Man can be explained by naked megalomania, without need for a Robin Hood (as played by Van Damme) or other heroic veneer.

But yeah, I’ll wager many in his base have the entire script of Red Dawn memorized.