Is Pot Addictive?


Well-Known Member
I'd disagree with that. I use to smoke constantly and stopped suddenly and I was highly irritable and angry/easily upset for a short period of time (2-4 days). I know many others who experience that after smoking long term.
Same here, about a week. I quit by choice, had aches and pains for awhile, too.

Now I take mini T breaks, just because I find myself not wanting it. When I want it, it's fine. It's nice not to need it.


Staff member
absolutely just because you quit no problems doesn't mean everyone else can do the same
This is true for many drugs or food items

The addiction is More so mentally than physically with marijuana as quizo has stated

And of course its nothing compared to withdrawal from substances like heroin or crack

But still yes technically you can be addicted


Well-Known Member
If caffeine is addictive, pot is addictive.
No. Caffeine creates a physical tolerance or mild dependency. This effect is measurable and explained.

No such physical analog has yet been found for cannabis.

I'm not a believer in silver bullets or panacea, yet cannabis comes about as close as anything I've ever heard of.

Emotional dependency is another story.


Well-Known Member
anything that alters receptors can be addictive. serotonin dopamine gabba opiate cb etc

most common withdrawal symptoms are therefore related to the areas hit. insomnia, agitation or anxiety, body aches, temp regulation, vivid dreams or nightmares, loss of appetite...

but because thc is only a partial agonist, not very potent. symotoms are mild compared to other drugs.
Can u pm me need to ask a random question?


Well-Known Member
Same here, about a week. I quit by choice, had aches and pains for awhile, too.

Now I take mini T breaks, just because I find myself not wanting it. When I want it, it's fine. It's nice not to need it.
Same here. I only smoke with friends now. Apart from when I went to Amsterdam about two weeks ago, I had to there :p.


Well-Known Member
It was and still is harder for me to quit pot, then it was quitting cigarettes. Now thats some fucked up shit but thank god i don't smoke cigarettes now lol. Sadly im pretty dependent on the flowers to the point that i refuse to travel to any non-mmj state without at least a dealer lined up for a zip every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It was and still is harder for me to quit pot, then it was quitting cigarettes. Now thats some fucked up shit but thank god i don't smoke cigarettes now lol. Sadly im pretty dependent on the flowers to the point that i refuse to travel to any non-mmj state without at least a dealer lined up for a zip every 2 weeks.
Come visit Colorado!


Well-Known Member
You can be addicted to anything that stimulates the reward system.

Physical dependency is brutal with opiates n shit but pot can and has and will destroy some people's lives.As in divorce, losing jobs, selling possessions etc.

They are just wired that way.
Not the weeds fault, not their fault.

However even if you don't think it is addictive you can still treat the symptoms if you use standard addiction recovery program.


Well-Known Member
Iv never got flue like symptoms stopping weed, and I smoked a lot, nor have I heard anyone talk about physical wd from it irl, only the interwebs