is potting mix ok for seedling??


Active Member
hi all i rather not kill my new babys but will potting mix be ok just to place my seeds in from the start after germination??


Well-Known Member
Anything will work, if you're aware of what's in it, and what your plant wants.
I have a nice one going in Miracle Grow moisture control soil with MG perlite that I sprouted in the solo cup and is now in flower.
Nothing fancy, nothing ordered.
The most common problems are overwatering (too frequently, not volume), and feeding too soon.
Most likely if you are careful not to keep your soil constantly wet, and don't give any nutes for at least the first 3 weeks, you'll have a good chance at some healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
Will work just fine as long as you don't overwater. If there is not much already in your mix, I'd suggest putting in 20-25% pearlite or vermiculite, like Bakatare said. Many potting mixes have none. Cheap and helps with quick drainage and getting oxygen to the roots. Only downside I am aware of you will have to water a bit more frequently...


Well-Known Member
One thing you should do before starting is to hand sieve the soil first. Run your hands through the mix breaking up clumps
and watching for pieces of material, usually wood, bigger than a matchstick. I have twice lost new seedlings and discovered later that
the fault was a chunk of wood that laid over the taproot and prevented the seedling from sprouting.

Go ahead and use it but be aware of hidden logs.

Good luck, BigSteve.
if you are careful not to keep your soil constantly wet
I disagree with this. I have kept my soil constantly damp for my entire vegetative state this crop and my girls have responded very positively from doing so. Although you did say "wet"; I have not kept them soaked if thats what you mean. I did this last time too and yielded 2.5 pounds off 7 plants.

My logic is if you can keep a constant flow of hydration your plant stays in a constant "feel good" state. This allows the plant to focus more on producing buds then staying hydrated. Also, it keeps the root safe from un-wanted salts that your nitrogen will leave behind.

My two.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with this. I have kept my soil constantly damp for my entire vegetative state this crop and my girls have responded very positively from doing so. Although you did say "wet"; I have not kept them soaked if thats what you mean. I did this last time too and yielded 2.5 pounds off 7 plants.

My logic is if you can keep a constant flow of hydration your plant stays in a constant "feel good" state. This allows the plant to focus more on producing buds then staying hydrated. Also, it keeps the root safe from un-wanted salts that your nitrogen will leave behind.

My two.
I agree with your 'damp', I don't like the soil to dry out to the point of hardening and cracking away from the pot, but too many threads here are guys not letting the soil dry out between waterings. and keeping the pot wet.