Is Rainy Weather OK???

david nicholas

Active Member
It's gonna rain for like the next 2 days off and on where I live, and I have some germinated seeds that I need to plant. Is it ok to plant them outside in this weather-it's not stormy just small rain showers?



the more rain the better get those things in out there. a good soaking in the spring is essential. "april showers bring may flowers" or in our case october buds


Well-Known Member
I'd put a clear plastic (for sun) container with holes in it over the top..Kind of a drip thing, and for protection. If you get a major downfall your sprouts will drown or get the shit knocked out of them...Then it's back to square one....which sucks, I know, My first batch all committed suicide.......Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(


should plant when you see the tap root starting to come out.
i waited once and the roots got growing through the paper towel and was a bitch to un tangle the roots without breaking them.


Active Member
Are you saying I only need to wait 'til my seeds have grown 1" before i plant out. I'm still not sure how large I should grow mine. I was thinking at least 4"


Well-Known Member
4"...? I've never seen a sprout live to be 4" 's long without being in dirt. If you plant 1/2" below the surface of the soil it'll take 2 - 4 days to break surface and show his happy


Active Member
Well they're in dixie cups now. Living on the east coast I'm concerned about my lil' ones dying from the cool weather upon the time of transplant. So I was thinking once they grow to around 4" they'd be a tad more strong and live out natures hurdles.

mmm... considering I have germinated 20 seeds what might be a possible yield come September-October, I'm psyched :P

BTW David, I don't see any form of life emerging from your clumpy dirt. Maybe it's just me but it looks like mud.


mmm... considering I have germinated 20 seeds what might be a possible yield come September-October, I'm psyched :P.
cant tell last year one of my plants outdoors was like 4 oz dry they jut keep growing outside. but that one was in a 10 gallon pot and another one in a 3 gallon pot only yield 1oz so there are a lot of variables to figuring out yield.
also you have to figure out the "male" factor a lot of times i get just less than half male if this happens you only have 10 plants that are good and you wont know until aug-sept. unless you clone them and flower the clone indoors.