Is restricting guns the answer for public safety?


Well-Known Member
Im just curious to everyone's thoughts on the matter. i hear lots of arguments both ways..some say guns are the evil and its what killed those children @ sandy hook elementary...others say its because there was no one armed on campus to protect those children and thats why so many died, etc.

ill sound off on my opinion later but i'd like to get in some votes first w/o starting an argument right off the bat.

so fire away (no pun intended) w/ ur thoughts.


Well-Known Member
it is not the answer... you do know all the criminals who are using the guns did not walk into the legal gun store and pick up a few guns.. (tho they can oddly ban bullets) that may change..

again no bullets used on
OK. Fed Building..

look at prisons.. NO GUNS there but you can get shanked with a SPORK

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I think that we should restrict the public so that guns can be safe. Guns don't fire people; people fire people.


Well-Known Member
no because som crook will have a gun and i will also. no reason a thug should be able to get ahold of a gun yet i cant get one. there will be none of that. his head will be gone.


Well-Known Member
sti ekil grinyt to stop a ferihgt naitr wiht a psitabll,,,,ti lliw ton krow.
if you go with records to every house the ones who have put their name dwon lliw have their guns taken away. and your dude next door who bought it from his bro will still have his and get past up because he name isnt on the list.


Active Member
NOT the answer, not even close.If a nut wants to go on a killing spree, he will do it one way or another.Like others have said, the "bad guys" will always have guns, why take them away from everyone else?

What really gets me is the fact the lunatic in the school shooting had a semi auto bushmaster.Because of this the media now is declairing all AR platform firearms are the work of the devil."It uses 223 caliber amunition! The same type used in the military!!" Give me a damn break, a 9mm will ruin your day just as easy.....And CNN, if you are reading this...STOP CALLING THEM ASSAULT RIFLES! The AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite....An assault rifle has the option of select fire-semi auto OR full auto.


Well-Known Member, gun control is just liberal bullshit, it will have the opposite effect to the one they invision ... it's just a way for the government to gain total control. can have my guns when you can take them from me.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were once our countrymen."

~ Samuel Adams

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin


Well-Known Member
If you ban guns people will use sharpened sticks. Ban sticks and they will throw rocks. Ban rocks and we still have our bare hands. Killers will kill either way. What's next? Banning spoons to fix the obesity problem?


Well-Known Member
If you ban guns people will use sharpened sticks. Ban sticks and they will throw rocks. Ban rocks and we still have our bare hands. Killers will kill either way. What's next? Banning spoons to fix the obesity problem?

HEY I'm a spoon lover... make fun of sporks!