Is she dead? I think i poisoned her, this is my first grow. :/

Could you give us a bit more detail? soil, water, nuts, strain, time, temperature, etc. Though, I would say she is not recovering from this one. I hope I am wrong. Cheers


New Member
I know its nutrient poisoning because i just found out my soil had nutrients existing it. I think i gave it too much.
I tried flushing it with neutral water but i dont think it helped.


Well-Known Member
all u can do is blow a fan on her, get her good light hope for the best. if u think u overwatered, let her dry. u got holes in in ur pot right

big bud 56

Active Member
You have to be really careful feeding your plants when they're that small and fragile.
A little goes a long way and when they're that young they usually can't bounce back.
I would go ahead and flush it out completely,you have nothing to lose at this point.
You never know,it might rebound.
Good luck dude


Well-Known Member
Could you give us a bit more detail? soil, water, nuts, strain, time, temperature, etc. Though, I would say she is not recovering from this one. I hope I am wrong. Cheers
more detail?? what more detail do you need? it's a wrap!!!!

Its possible but prob not, what did you do?
he killed it man that's what he did.

I know its nutrient poisoning because i just found out my soil had nutrients existing it. I think i gave it too much.
I tried flushing it with neutral water but i dont think it helped.
I dont think so either

all u can do is blow a fan on her, get her good light hope for the best. if u think u overwatered, let her dry. u got holes in in ur pot right
no amount of light will help at this point

It's Toast.
yepper....there's some good advice

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Or maybe it's some sort of deficiency: so everyone, if you want to see these types of results be sure that you max out the ferts, cal mag and everything else. I get away with 1/6 of what the instructions call for, for soil. Oh ya, and don't forget to dump in way to much ph down and then try to fix it with way to much ph up. Maybe the foam might be good for shaving ,eh!