Is she ok?

I there,
I have this plant, 1 month old under CFL, it had 1x15w now it has 2x15w.

Two days ago she started to bend the leaves downwards and becoming yellowish.
What is it supposed to be?

Thank you.

Yeah, I have 8-6-6 nuts. I started to feed the plants with it about 5 days ago which made me think it was the nuts themselves.


Active Member
how deep is the container? How old is she? Looks like she might need to be transplanted into something to allow her roots to develop bigger so she can eat more. Though, if you think it's big enough, you could try to slowly start increasing the nutes a little bit.
how deep is the container? How old is she? Looks like she might need to be transplanted into something to allow her roots to develop bigger so she can eat more. Though, if you think it's big enough, you could try to slowly start increasing the nutes a little bit.
That might be it, I was thinking I should have transplanted her already. I'm going to do it right away.

Thank you.


Imo, your problem is your lighting. You have 30w of cfl...thats not going to cut it.You should have at least 2-4 27w (6500k) bulbs, and at least double that for flowering. 30w will not produce anything plain and simple. That would be the equivalent of you eating one apple a day lol, you'd survive but you'd you terribly weak. As for the watering, try every 3-4 days, make sure soil is dry 2-3 inch down. Hope this helps! Good luck.


Active Member
Imo, your problem is your lighting. You have 30w of cfl...thats not going to cut it.You should have at least 2-4 27w (6500k) bulbs, and at least double that for flowering. 30w will not produce anything plain and simple. That would be the equivalent of you eating one apple a day lol, you'd survive but you'd you terribly weak. As for the watering, try every 3-4 days, make sure soil is dry 2-3 inch down. Hope this helps! Good luck.
True..I didn't even look at how low his lighting was, just looked at the pic. Good catch midwest.
They aren't on their final setup, but as I said, she was ok and growing with 1x15w. Then this started to happen right about the same time I doubled the lights.
Lights aren't right, but it shouldn't do this so fast, Anyway, I plan in finishing the room in 1/2 days. I'll put more lights.

I moved her to a new pot. She was root-bounded.


Active Member
My first thought was it was root bound. I think the general "accepted" rule for lighting is 100w dedicated to each plant. Or, if you gave hps or mh in your grow area you can assume that 400w will cover a 4x4 foot area, a 600w will do 6x6, and you guessed it 1000w will do 10x10 foot.just something to keep in mind when you are designing your area. Good luck buddy, let us know if she improves.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
My first thought was it was root bound. I think the general "accepted" rule for lighting is 100w dedicated to each plant. Or, if you gave hps or mh in your grow area you can assume that 400w will cover a 4x4 foot area, a 600w will do 6x6, and you guessed it 1000w will do 10x10 foot.just something to keep in mind when you are designing your area. Good luck buddy, let us know if she improves.
So a 1000w light is good for 100 square feet (10' x 10') but a 600w is only right for 36 square feet (6' x 6') ... or, a 1000w does as good a job as 3 x 600w lights, something not quite right with your assumption and not quite right to be advising grow room design based on your odd coverage calculations.


Well-Known Member
its the nutrients and light cant feed it that much with that little bit of light..u can just give it water but it would stretch pretty bad and be scrawny as hell


Active Member
So a 1000w light is good for 100 square feet (10' x 10') but a 600w is only right for 36 square feet (6' x 6') ... or, a 1000w does as good a job as 3 x 600w lights, something not quite right with your assumption and not quite right to be advising grow room design based on your odd coverage calculations.
That 10x10 should have been 8x8 for hid and 7x7 for bad I'm high as fuck. Here is the link I use for every question I have about lights and ballasts.

But rest assured, my advice was pretty accurate, and given my experience, I wouldn't say I'm "not quite right to be advising". Perhaps you should have more tact in your response and try to teach and not belittle. A proper response would have been "are you sure those numbers are right, I don't believe they add up. Could you double check them, and maybe link us where you find your info" But no disrespect taken or meant buddy.