Is she pretty much done?

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I have a first grow of 5 ladies, this one for whatever reason stretched so high that it pretty much collapsed, the rest are super healthy, weird. Is she done? It keeps growing, she looks healthy other that that she doesn't support herself. Toss it? Thanks guys,



Well-Known Member
I have a first grow of 5 ladies, this one for whatever reason stretched so high that it pretty much collapsed, the rest are super healthy, weird. Is she done? It keeps growing, she looks healthy other that that she doesn't support herself. Toss it? Thanks guys,

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lol you should have stuck to being goon... thats nowere near done jo!!! were in chicago are you from?>


Active Member
no not dead at all very usable, just transplant and bury some of that stem and move the light a little closer. Thats what i would do any way(not a pro at this still just a novice)

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I would suspect like anyone else that this stretch was caused by the lack of light, but it wasn't. She was the closest to the 400W HPS juice believe it or not, the remaining 4 are healthy as hell. Could anyone else confirm if burying the stem will do the job?


RIU Bulldog
just make a ghetto stake with toothpicks and tape. Tape the two ends together so you have one thats twice as long as a normal toothpick. Then plant the stake in the soil, deep enough to provide a sturdy support for the weak stem. Then take some sewing thread, string, dental floss or whatever to tie the plant to the toothepick. Loosely so you dont cut off circulation of the plant but tight enough to hold it up. dont throw it out.


Well-Known Member
just make a ghetto stake with toothpicks and tape. Tape the two ends together so you have one thats twice as long as a normal toothpick. Then plant the stake in the soil, deep enough to provide a sturdy support for the weak stem. Then take some sewing thread, string, dental floss or whatever to tie the plant to the toothepick. Loosely so you dont cut off circulation of the plant but tight enough to hold it up. dont throw it out.
Ghetto solutions make ghetto plants... Bury the stem man, thats the answer. Just do most of the way up, leaving maybe 1/3-1/4 still out. She'll be fine ;-)


Well-Known Member
this thread is extremely funny.

op, people are obv misunderstanding your questiion. its even funnier though when you realize that you dont think its ready to harvest, you think its a goner. LOLOLOL


Well-Known Member
i dont know how in hell you managed to get it so droopy, but it aint gonna die i can tell you that.
i got two plants just standing in the window streching like true athletes for lights.
them suckers wanna live reaaal bad.
i suggest bury the stem or build a ghetto support beam. either way is fine. a lil heads up though.
if the plant got weak stems in the beginning its bound to be a weakling as an adult. snap the stem when its older to make it stronger and thicker. peace!


Well-Known Member
to the op.... bro..... liek someone already said repot your plant and burry it up to the neck.... then get a bunch of atleast cfls if your gonna go cheap and keep them around an inch or two from plants... also put a fan in there to make those stems strong....