Is she ready to harvest? (image heavy)


Well-Known Member
Here we have an Easyryder (ak47+Lowryder)
about day 76 now. Im getting trigger happy with the clippers. What do you wonderful people think? is it worth waiting much longer?
Forgive the stupid questions, but she is my first grow, and I want it to be the best it can be.



Active Member
Damn looks nice, I just finished up a bluryder:leaf: and I'd say start flushing and chop her in a week, week and a half, 2 if u can wait:-P...trichz look pretty clear and a lil on the milky, not many amber tho. BE PATIENT!!! The orange hairs need to sink into the bud...kep it green!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
125W CFL i think, could be higher, not certain.
Have a look at the journal in my sig if you like.

Im happy with her for a first time, but even by lowryder standards, she is really small and slow.
I think she is retarded or something.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shoshon!
Ill give her one last nute drink next watering time, and then start flushing.

I cannot wait!


Active Member
Sounds good, remember to hang dry for 5-6 days then jare n burp for 2-3 weeks for best taste...congrats on ur 1st grow, I wish u many more :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I can't wait.

to be honest, I will probably be smoking her while she cures, so i dunno if she will last that long. :)