Is something wrong here (lighting)

G'day all.

Excuse my french but fuk me srsly, Reading one growers opinion on everything then reading hundreds and hundreds of other threads getting opinions from different growers. Ones mind would be fucked = Me

If there were as many Aussie growers on here as there are..say Americans things can go a lot easier. When working with a forum like this its hard enough learning what to do and what to use (being product wise) as we dont have half the shit you guys have there. Then we have to work out the differences with measurements with the different measuring system. Plus its a pain in the arse time differences and getting replys on this forum >.< but what can i do.

Yes i am one of those Avid growers that Want the best grow/yield and yes atm im overloading my motherbraindcircuitboard but being me i need to read things ten times over to get info stuck in. Even then i still struggle. But atm the my grow is going well.

Anyway the reason im posting this is about my CFL i got atm For Veg. (it works gr8)
But the fukn problem is this:
In the book (Growing ganja for dummies) Blue = Veg and Red = Flower .
Ive got this CFL Which says its a 14000k cost me fukn $99 (welcome to the aussie economy wanna go broke live here)

And what it says on the box is that this light is Ultra blue =14000k so basically its gr8 for Vegetation, But above its says 2700k = Flowering Range and 6400k = Grow range
Paying for HPS or MH or a CFL for Veg stage and with the Electricity cost here is a fukn joke and waste of money and i can get a good enough veg grow with my CFL.
BUT WHY is the lower range good for flowering and its highest peak is purple and blue spectrum nothing near red TAKE A LOOK


Red is before after orange so how are any of these lights for flowering? Im so lost here is this a marketing mistake or am i learning incorrectly ive been reading about light for almost a year and well grrr

BTW i know this is a n00b question but what does 14000k mean I already know this answer i think i just need clarification. is it 14000 lumens? fuk me sometimes i wish i had a mentor.


Well-Known Member
I can almost guarantee that the 14000 is for lumens. 14000Kelvin would be way way to white and hot to grow anything. You can search the web for your bulb, there should be info printed on your bulb and you can find answers that way too, but like I said, I can almost guarantee that the 14000 is for lumens, good luck


Active Member
ya man if its a 200w CFL its 14,000 lumens i have the same one i bought as a mother keeper (when i get a decent strain)


Well-Known Member
14000k makes sense if it cost $99. Unfortunately you got it all wrong though - plants do like the bluer side of the spectrum for veg but that doesn't mean you want to go to the very extreme. I'm guessing you purchased a very very expensive aquarium bulb which is designed to penetrate water to supplement autotrophic animals. Sorry but you would have been much better off with a bunch of cheap 23w 6500k or even 5500k cfls.


Well-Known Member
Hate to do this but large large CFLs kinda blow unless you're really tight on space. I own two of the large bulbs with two of the large reflectors made just for them and I'll never use them again - they use a ton of electricity, are much less efficient lumen/w as smaller bulbs, are extremely expensive lumen/$ and w/dollar, and cover very small areas. I would greatly recommend grabbing some cheap vanity lights and making your own fixture. These 4 bulb fixtures cost $4 - with Y splitters and bulbs I can run 184w of CFL with nice even coverage over a large area for $20-40 depending on if the bulbs are on sale or not.



Well-Known Member
Hmmm...well now that that is cleared up...and there is no power difference whether you get those watts through a bunch of CFLs or 1 big HID instead of a 200w CFL you could use a 250w HID light...they use almost the same wattage...people thought using CFls was so much cheaper, til they realized how many they would


Well-Known Member
And I too fell prey to the newbie grower love of cost efficiency and bought 2 of the large CFLs and reflectors...1 250w and one 200w...and when that wasn't working like i wanted I admitted defeat and got a 400w MH/HPS light and never looked a 400w CMH recently and I like it now I have MH for veg and CMH for flower...everyone is happy including the plants..


Active Member
im one of those ppl..started with the CFLs then i relized how it took more room for the CFLs than it did my now i run a 400w HPS/MH i got start seedlings under a few 23w but i run those for about a week a month..


Well-Known Member
Amen to upgrading to HIDs. I too started with CFLs and then stepped up. Still use them for veg though and the nice thing about the smaller CFLs is that once you step up to HID they still have a use (lighting your house).
Thanks all im just gonna stick with this CFL for a while is growing me good shit for now and well energy is gonna go higher in price with the carbon tax fuk that ranga bitch. Anyway for now ill stick to waht works for me thanks all in the enar future ill use a 400w or 250w Mh or HPS