Is that really me in my avatar ??

DALIA! I fucking miss you!

#1. New pics! You show me yours, I'll show you mine lol

#2. I'm Vacationing in Wyoming snowboarding the sickest slopes, it's amazing! I hotboxed the ski lift with some random chill dudes.

#3. When are YOU going to vacation to OK for a massive smoke sesh?

#4. I'm starting to forget arabic :(
you sooo remind me of this one girl I used to go smoke with she lived in austin and her name was MJ she was sooo cool I'd just drive down and smoke with her then pass out at the park then we would wake up go home and I'd drive back. I live in dallas, anyways she fell off the face of the earth and I can't find her lol anyways your pretty. I'm ripped he he he
DALIA! I fucking miss you!

#1. New pics! You show me yours, I'll show you mine lol

#2. I'm Vacationing in Wyoming snowboarding the sickest slopes, it's amazing! I hotboxed the ski lift with some random chill dudes.

#3. When are YOU going to vacation to OK for a massive smoke sesh?

#4. I'm starting to forget arabic :(

AHHH!!! and i fucking miss you!!!!

#1A. i'm down

#2A. what a effin danktastic story man. hotboxing on ski lifts?! skills.

#3A. dude right now!!! no really i wish. hopefully soon :)

#4A. uhh ohhh spaghetti ohsssss!

:mad:<---- ohh you wan happy ending?
shit i wasn't gonna read all of the pages, but i just read the 3 last post's i was gonna say you look arabic guess i was right, wondered where ya heritage is I'm Lebanese
i'm Lebanese and Palestinian

i guessed one or the other, but both is quite impressive, the most beautiful area and most beautiful women...are you from out there? or born here like me? I'm dying to go back to Beirut but they wont let it be peaceful long enough for me to visit:cry:

also for the record(my arabic sucks cuz i don't speak it much these days...but..) inta bent g'meela...think i spelled it right lol, not a dirty old man, mind you, just complimenting my peoples.

AHHH!!! and i fucking miss you!!!!

#1A. i'm down

#2A. what a effin danktastic story man. hotboxing on ski lifts?! skills.

#3A. dude right now!!! no really i wish. hopefully soon :)

#4A. uhh ohhh spaghetti ohsssss!

:mad:<---- ohh you wan happy ending?

You're one cool kat dankdalia, and that's no Jazz

#1B? When my cousin uploads the pics from the trip, I'll have those to show you.

#2B... The snowboarding was the skills. It rocked! I miss it... I see it for a split second of a split second every time I blink, so pretty, I should have never left... Read #1B

#3B I recently wondered what it would be like meeting you in real life, and then I wondered... What name would I address you by?... I only know your alias :P

#4B I guess when you have no one to speak it to, it fades away... Odd... I used to know it so well... Oh well, as I like to say, A mind is a wonderful thing to waste:mrgreen:

:dunce: <--- this is the first time I've used this one