Is that really me in my avatar ??

unagi is gross to me mayne!! i don't know why. like barf.

i fucking love yellow tail though. know about tuna nachos????? if you do live where you say you do....go to blue fin and order wont regret it :).
I want to plant my Edamame next to my tomato plant and see if it grows... opps the bowl is still rolling and I'm passing to myself
yeah I'm like that, I think I kind of did the opposite because if I'm not smiling and the life of the party because I want to chill, people think there's something wrong with me and want to know if everything going alright haha, so I just don't show anyone when I'm sad... haha that's sad, but damn I'm blazed.
lol tuna notachos, i have not,because the tortilla idea turns me off and just makes me want to go mexican.
i do love some tako,and salmon, shark is very good as well.
who doesnt love the philly roll.
i shall have to try this blue fin.
ive tried most of the sushi places on westheimer.
lol tuna notachos, i have not,because the tortilla idea turns me off and just makes me want to go mexican.
i do love some tako,and salmon, shark is very good as well.
who doesnt love the philly roll.
i shall have to try this blue fin.
ive tried most of the sushi places on westheimer.

it's actually with wonton chips. well go to blue fin! and order tuna nachos.
ooo now i want chinese food.

like real bad. general tso for me please. with white rice, spring roll, and hot and sour soup.
ok if blue fin has wantons then thats cool ,at least its somekind of asian ,in stead of the tortillas(mexican) ive seen.
so blue fin is... directions...if its not to far then i can check em out for luch and maybe catch a special??
general tso for me please. with white rice, spring roll, and hot and sour soup.

You and I are destined to share the same love of General Tso's chicken, no matter how spicy or mild... I actually came across of Chinese place that DIDN'T have Tso' chicken! Needless to say I was outraged...
word, thats by that planet anime , that dennys over there has cured the munchies one at least 2 occasions .

well me and my cousin will give them a try.