Is that really me in my avatar ??

fer sure. i dont even chill with ppl my age nemore, i have a few close friends my age, and every1 else i chill with is like, 30s and up... lol. but think about it... your income is usually within 10% of the average of your five closest friends... so i hang out with a bunch of rich motherfuckers at my condo compound... we just chill by the pool and smoke cigars and talk about the stock market and get wasted.
fer sure. i dont even chill with ppl my age nemore, i have a few close friends my age, and every1 else i chill with is like, 30s and up... lol. but think about it... your income is usually within 10% of the average of your five closest friends... so i hang out with a bunch of rich motherfuckers at my condo compound... we just chill by the pool and smoke cigars and talk about the stock market and get wasted.

soo cool:roll:
im in my grow room all day workin my ass off for killer buds, and workin my grow spots outdoors, or im partying.. fuck old people. i was just got ripped and thought it sounded funny.. i'll go smoke more bud...
I know. I dont grow but i do everything else you said, party. And i work at panera i mean i bank atleast 3 mil a year. haha
yea im broke to panera doesn't exactly bring in the big bucks. But im hopefully starting my electrician apprenticeship soon.
party 4 eva!!!!!!!!!!
Damn. I would love to party with you:mrgreen: Where da party at.

Your pics made me feel lonely as hell now lol. Cuz you too sexy and I'm all by myself. Now I want to call this girl up. But, it's 3 am, I should probably just go to bed. Damnnit:evil:
-just joking. It's not your fault.