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Going u
I wasn't saying I had the original catpiss. What I was telling the tweeker guy was that the name "catpiss" is a generic name thrown on any herb that had the terp profile back then.
Back then most the herb had the roadkill skunk or catpiss smell If you grew up in Northern Cali . In my high school alone we had 6 different catpiss varieties. Anyone that claims they created catpiss is a fool. I didnt create it but i did perserve it.
Ssh, nl5/haze, Mongolian indica, white widow, HGF Afghani, pole cat, these are just a few names that I've grown out from seed and found catpiss smelling genotypes.
Yeh I should maybe have worded that differently. And I agree with you, there was lots of catpiss around, and it couldn't have all came from "his" catpiss that he never shared or sold, or whatever else he was claiming haha.. I have a fresh pack of your Catpiss to run sometime next year. I also have Pole Cat, so after you mentioning it, I'll be running that as well. Thanks for chiming in Shabud.