the green rush is in its prime as we have not offset the worlds demand for high quality pot. when production meet consumption and demand the green rush will be over and the global economy collapsed.
these people that think big pharma is just gonna swoop in and take over are a little misguided. you cant even grow this stuff outside without a huge fight, i doubt they are gonna just dive into a business that is pretty secretive about their methods and that is still illegal in the eyes of federal law, they would jeopardize the legitamite side of their company whatever it is(cigarettes, tobacco, whatever).
finally weed is a weed, it will be grown by small time farmers and urban growers til the cows come home.
its not as hard as growing a tomato or a strawberry so it will never create that market. if anything the price will drop through the floor, making their business model less profitable as the years go by, weed can be grown anywhere on almost any continent. the more these big companies supposedly decide to invest in it the lower the profit margins will be. NTM, if green giant wanted to grow weed outside anywhere west of the mississippi they will run into a hippie sabotage bandsaw full of spidermites, deer and aphids.
big pharma doesnt want to tangle with blue collar hippie america, they just want to control our population with nanobots and flouride in our water so we are the slaves doing all the manual labor and paying taxes (so they can drive mercedes and vaca in the islands)