Is the light even hitting my plant?


I am new to growing, so don't be mean.

I'm only growing one plant for a pesonal stash, I have 4 2500k 23w bulbs and 1 45w 6500k(I'm going to upgrade to HPS and MH soon), and I have four of the bubls on a Y splitter, and the plant is in the middle of the splitter, and I'm not sure if the light is hitting the plant(I just planted it so it hasn't poked through the ground yet.)

I can't take a picture, but it's in a closet with that is 4-3-4 with white walls, and the plant is about 4 inches from the lights.


Try and take a picture , we can't see the angle your lights are on and they can be as close as possible without actually touching them.


Active Member
Yes its getting light and actually its getting more light being that the lights are almost sideways exsposing more surface of the bulb to the plant you can even get it closer to the plant like 2" closer just make sure you have a fan in there to cool it down and also to help strengthen the plant now don't blow it directly at the plant but more at the light so that the wind is breezing across the top of your plant.


Active Member
Are your walls lined with anything or painted white, for you to get the best help without pics you have to be descriptive as possible.


Active Member
Did you germinate your seed before you planted it in the soil ? you just need to wait for it to sprout . looks to me it's only been one day ... I think patience is all you need for now :-P I was so anxious and impatient myself ..just a week ago btw IMAG1072.jpgthis is High Hopes - 6 days old. she was sprouted under 3x20 watt 65K and 1x26 watt 27K about 4" away


Well-Known Member
Basically you could do this. Close the closet door while inside. Turn the lights on. Can you see the pot? If so, it's getting light which in turn is bouncing off of it and entering your eyes where the real magic happens.

Don't worry too much. Believe it or not they actually are pretty hardy plants. I'll give you one hell of a monster tip right off the bat though. If you watered through(completely saturated the soil) when you put the seed in the dirt, DON'T WATER AGAIN. You won't need water until days even a week after it sprouts.
I've said this again and again...Over watering has got to be the #1 cause of problems for beginners. Even me when I first tried growing.

Good luck man and research, research, research. Peace.


Yes its getting light and actually its getting more light being that the lights are almost sideways exsposing more surface of the bulb to the plant you can even get it closer to the plant like 2" closer just make sure you have a fan in there to cool it down and also to help strengthen the plant now don't blow it directly at the plant but more at the light so that the wind is breezing across the top of your plant.

I just wanna step in and say that I have read and tested with the light meter on my tablet. More light actually comes out of the end of the spiral CFLs. If you can get single bulbs into a reflector of some sort, You will get less wasted light. I like the metal clamp light reflectors personally. Just a suggestion if you have the space and the sockets.