is the NRA a terrorist organization?

is the NRA a terrorist organization?

  • yes

  • no, they just want people who do gun massacres to be well-equipped to massacre

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42 with guns vs 58 without

Just say when
We can make your hands dead and cold if you force us to. I keep saying there is no reason why a peaceful person shouldn't be able to keep their guns. If you want to force us to take them away, well, that's what we pay law enforcement to do.

42% or 32%, you are outnumbered and in a democracy with only two parties you can't win. You gun owners had your chance to bring down gun violence. Just saying, unreasonable people are treated as such.

Do you like facts too?

For instance, do you know what the CPRC is? It's the blurry first source used for your infographic. You know people who like infographics, don't really care for too many words, but bear with me for a second. CPRC stands for crime prevention resource center. If you were inclined to look them up, and I was, you'd find the following:


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

The Crime Prevention Research Center is a nonprofit founded in 2013 by John Lott, author of the book “More Guns, Less Crime.” He is best known as an advocate in the gun rights debate, particularly his arguments against restrictions on owning and carrying guns. Lott’s work has been called “junk science” as he has been accused of accepting funding from the National Rifle Association.

If you look into John, you'll find


Before Lott’s flurry of activity, it was difficult to find anybody arguing that widespread gun ownership made societies safer — even the NRA was reticent to make such a bold claim, defending gun ownership with reference to the constitution, not criminology.

A little over a decade ago, he was disgraced and his career was in tatters. Not only was Lott’s assertion that more guns leads to more safety formally repudiated by a National Research Council panel, but he had also been caught pushing studies with severe statistical errors on numerous occasions. An investigation uncovered that he had almost certainly fabricated an entire survey on defensive gun use. And a blogger revealedthat Mary Rosh, an online commentator claiming to be a former student of Lott’s who would frequently post about how amazing he was, was in fact John Lott himself. He was all but excommunicated from academia.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Hell, even if you're dumb enough to believe the horse shit you posted, your infographic even gets John's lies wrong. It should read :

On October 9, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released a revised report showing that 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 took place in gun-free zones.
so you make claims but can't back them up. this is typical of obese klantards like yourself

It was already posted. Do a search. You seem to have tons of free time. Or did you get it deleted like anything that makes you upset?

Why do you need to make shit up about me? Because you are a terribly sore loser.

Please tell the story of how you needed a gun for home defense but are afraid of hand guns so you wanted a shot gun.

It was already posted. Do a search. You seem to have tons of free time. Or did you get it deleted like anything that makes you upset?

Why do you need to make shit up about me? Because you are a terribly sore loser.

Please tell the story of how you needed a gun for home defense but are afraid of hand guns so you wanted a shot gun.


you made a claim and are crying like a bitch when it comes time to cite it.

i am not surprised. this is very typical of obese klantards like yourself.
you made a claim and are crying like a bitch when it comes time to cite it.

i am not surprised. this is very typical of obese klantards like yourself.

You do what you are accusing me of constantly. Except for one thing. I am honest. You lie pretty much no matter what.


so you had your babysitter delete it again huh?

You should have quit last year like you promised. Now you are going to hate posting on the only site that will even let you.

do you think unarmed citizens are gonna come by and ask politely for your guns, spandex?

No because they all got stolen. Damn, better let the sheriff know bout dis
We can make your hands dead and cold if you force us to. I keep saying there is no reason why a peaceful person shouldn't be able to keep their guns. If you want to force us to take them away, well, that's what we pay law enforcement to do.

42% or 32%, you are outnumbered and in a democracy with only two parties you can't win. You gun owners had your chance to bring down gun violence. Just saying, unreasonable people are treated as such.

So if a person is peaceful why make them register?

Der criminals dont follow the law der. Registration isnt the answer. Its only a way to make future confiscations easier.
You do what you are accusing me of constantly. Except for one thing. I am honest. You lie pretty much no matter what.


so you had your babysitter delete it again huh?

You should have quit last year like you promised. Now you are going to hate posting on the only site that will even let you.

you made a claim and are crying like a bitch when it comes time to cite it.

i am not surprised. this is very typical of obese klantards like yourself.
No because they all got stolen. Damn, better let the sheriff know bout dis

So if a person is peaceful why make them register?

Der criminals dont follow the law der. Registration isnt the answer. Its only a way to make future confiscations easier.
i love how scared you are