Is the rise in secularism causing a rise in antidepressants?

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Whether or not something is a fact, doesn't get rid of the fact if you believe after dying you become nothing isn't depressing AF. Such a world view might have scientific validity.
Maybe believing in something unlikely is better than the truth, if reality causes someone so much stress they need psychotropic drugs to cope?
Which is worse?
I've long thought capitalism was the cause, but maybe its just a side effect that first world countries tend to become more secular, while third world countries are more theological?
Maybe that's one thing Karl Marx was wrong about? Religion might be the opiate of the masses, but maybe it's better than taking actual opiates?
Dieing and becoming nothing makes me happy not depressed. Why should we have to live our lives to some sort of precedent. I think if you weren't a miserable person and tried to do good things, improve and help others, yourself, and things in general, you've lived a pretty fulfilling life. No need to bow down and live to some sort of expectation. I'll do the best I can to better things and not F people over while I'm here. For no one but me while I'm here.
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Dying and becoming nothing makes me happy not depressed. Why should we have to live our lives to some sort of precedent. I think if you weren't a miserable person and tried to do good things, improve and help others, yourself, and things in general, you've lived a pretty fulfilling life. No need to bow down and live to some sort of expectation. I'll do the best I can while I'm here for no one but me while I'm here.
yeah but you also didnt think school was important, so....
Lol says one collegian to the other. Maybe.... I know I am, how bout you? Think I've covered most of my grammar. I normally proof read afterwards.
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Lol says one collegian to the other. Maybe.... I know I am how bout you. Think I've covered most of my grammar. I normally proof read afterwards.

'T is the place, and all around it, as of old, the curlews call,
Dreary gleams about the moorland flying over Locksley Hall;

Locksley Hall, that in the distance overlooks the sandy tracts,
And the hollow ocean-ridges roaring into cataracts.

Many a night from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest,
Did I look on great Orion sloping slowly to the West.
Degrees that end up in the engineering field, do not normally require allot of poetry. I prefer to do and make. Not predict and dream.
Degrees that end up in the engineering field, do not normally require allot of poetry. I prefer to do and make. Not predict and dream.
every engineer I know, knows Tennyson and what its referring to.
which is the world re......????

you can do it I know you can :)
Of all the theories I have been presented, reincarnation seems like the scariest. Most people shed pain by pushing it onto others. You don't realize it until enough of your life has passed that you racked up enough bad karma to keep you here. The suit they give you is always influencing you toward negative actions and you also have to come back with no memory of the fuck ups from the previous life. Sounds more like a hell with pretty flowers than a learning/growing process.

I think most people are depressed because they are domesticated. Not trying to cry like a vegan, but I am sure most livestock are depressed. Their bodies are made to roam the wild but they are packed together standing in their own shit. They too need a lot of medication and antibiotics. They don't get enough exercise or adrenaline to clear the body of disease, and the diseased aren't killed by outside predators.
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Of all the theories I have been presented, reincarnation seems like the scariest. Most people shed pain by pushing it onto others. You don't realize it until enough of your life has passed that you racked up enough bad karma to keep you here. The suit they give you is always influencing you toward negative actions and you also have to come back with no memory of the fuck ups from the previous life. Sounds more like a hell with pretty flowers than a learning/growing process.

I think most people are depressed because they are domesticated. Not trying to cry like a vegan, but I am sure most livestock are depressed. Their bodies are made to roam the wild but they are packed together standing in their own shit. They too need a lot of medication and antibiotics. They don't get enough exercise or adrenaline to clear the body of disease, and the diseased aren't killed by outside predators.

What's wrong with reincarnation? It's a pretty awesome concept. Based on the type of karma: good, bad, and neutral, you have the same essence from the past life affects your current life. So if it seems like the effort you're trying is more than the results, it probably means you screwed up in a past life, while if lesser efforts bring more rewards, you had a good past life.

That's why you need to try your hardest in this one, to keep up the blessing of being born the top animal in this life.
i think it is....nearly ever person i've ever met uses some kind of crutch to get through their lives, drugs, alcohol, religion, coffee.....they sometimes think they've "beat" their problem, but all they do is use a different crutch. if you quit drinking but start going to church 3 times a week, you may have gotten slightly better, but you're still hobbling around with a crutch.
antidepressants are just another crutch. we can't fix our fucked up world, because the rich motherfuckers don't want it fixed, it's much harder to manipulate people who have time to think about what you're doing to keep them busy with bullshit, and sedated so it doesn't seem quite so bad....
i think it is....nearly ever person i've ever met uses some kind of crutch to get through their lives, drugs, alcohol, religion, coffee.....they sometimes think they've "beat" their problem, but all they do is use a different crutch. if you quit drinking but start going to church 3 times a week, you may have gotten slightly better, but you're still hobbling around with a crutch.
antidepressants are just another crutch. we can't fix our fucked up world, because the rich motherfuckers don't want it fixed, it's much harder to manipulate people who have time to think about what you're doing to keep them busy with bullshit, and sedated so it doesn't seem quite so bad....

I was put on psychotropic drugs and lost a year of my life as a zombie before I just stopped taking them. After doing some research, I started taking vitamins. The one which helped the most was magnesium. Even though my blood test came back saying I wasn't deficient. After about a month, I started feeling better. Also just dealing and going day to day not caring if I felt like shit, and generally eating better, not for the enjoyment and comfort it gave.

What doesn't work I found out is pretending everything is alright. That you do feel bad. For some strange reason admitting that, slowly I stared feeling better.
i think it is....nearly ever person i've ever met uses some kind of crutch to get through their lives, drugs, alcohol, religion, coffee.....they sometimes think they've "beat" their problem, but all they do is use a different crutch. if you quit drinking but start going to church 3 times a week, you may have gotten slightly better, but you're still hobbling around with a crutch.
antidepressants are just another crutch. we can't fix our fucked up world, because the rich motherfuckers don't want it fixed, it's much harder to manipulate people who have time to think about what you're doing to keep them busy with bullshit, and sedated so it doesn't seem quite so bad....
I used marijuana as a crutch for years, now I am onto meditation. Wim Hof meditation in the morning will stop my bipolar all day. You are right though, just trading one crutch for another. Meditation is the only thing that has given me closure for life's trauma, marijuana suppressed it with calm/happiness. I love and am grateful for both.

I was put on psychotropic drugs and lost a year of my life as a zombie before I just stopped taking them. After doing some research, I started taking vitamins. The one which helped the most was magnesium. Even though my blood test came back saying I wasn't deficient. After about a month, I started feeling better. Also just dealing and going day to day not caring if I felt like shit, and generally eating better, not for the enjoyment and comfort it gave.

What doesn't work I found out is pretending everything is alright. That you do feel bad. For some strange reason admitting that, slowly I stared feeling better.
My brother was on psychotropics, he was literally a fucking zombie. He would tell me he could feel all the emotions but his body wouldn't react to any of them, it actually made him more depressed. His voice had a flat tone and even his face wouldn't make emotions. Like a person in a coma that can hear everyone but not interact with them. I would rather have him out terrorizing the city than sitting around the house like a zombie.

I know exactly what you mean with the vitamins, I started supplementing them regularly the last 2 months and I am full of energy and need little sleep. The American diet lacks so much that your body is pretty much degrading while alive. Without magnesium, I would be sluggish and wanted to sleep all the time. It almost gets confused for depression and makes it a lot worse because it stops you from progress.

If you ask me, cannabis makes you hungry because it lets your body know its lacking TONS OF SHIT. You respond by eating whatever is available and the high goes away. I can eat one meal a day now and hunger does not bother me.

Lying to yourself is the worse thing you can do, I agree with you there. Its like pouring gunpowder into a keg and your betraying yourself more than anyone has by lying to yourself.