Is The Seed Depot site secure?


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to order from The Seed Depot and they're having a 30% off birthday sale today. I don't see https in their url, just http and no lock icon. I couldn't take the risk of sending my credit card info. and cancelled the order. The website claims it is secure. I'm a dinosaur and not very computer literate. Is there something I'm missing? I just can't, in good conscience, send money and info without that lock icon.


Well-Known Member
It's fine. And any credit card transaction is secured. And you're not responsible for any charges that weren't yours. Not that there's a risk. It's common for an online store to miss one small piece of documentation and then no lock, or no security certificate, etc.

If you know the site then things are all cool.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, but I remain unconvinced, no offense. I don't know the site as this would have been my first order. Everything I've read tells me not to give info. to sites without the https and lock icon. It's disappointing because they carry brands that others do not and they take credit cards. I asked The Seed Depot the same question in an e-mail and haven't heard from them, yet. I just can't risk sending that info. and then have it stolen just for seeds. Then, I would rightly be called a fool. I've heard only good things about them but I won't be purchasing from them unless I feel secure. All the other places I order from (Amazon, etc.), have the https and lock icon.


Well-Known Member
Call your CC company and you'll see how protected you are with your card.

Don't order from TSD, then.


Well-Known Member
I asked The Seed Depot in an e-mail, "how can I be sure"(the site is secure), and got no answer. That is telling. Thanks for the confirmation, Don't order from The Seed Depot.


Well-Known Member
I've not heard anything bad about their service. I'm on that forum daily, and it's a very civil place. Lots of discussion about different cultivars and breeders. Lineage discussions. I'm not thinking you have an active site discussing such things while having a bad reputation. It's a very public place because of the forum.