Is there a difference in quality or Soil growing vs. Hydro vs aero?


Not referring to yield, I have grown in soil a long time now and consider have a "lime green thumb" when it comes to soil... Just inherited a shitload of equip from my father.. Literally everything ebb and flow, table,stands, 10k in lights, mediums etc etc.. But it have been sitting in my garage for the last 2 months and wondering if it will be beneficial to go hydro, quality wise?


Well-Known Member
Theres only one way to find out.
Make a list. Pros on one side, cons on the other.
When you are done, examine the list closely, then go throw away all that hydro crap and grow your cannabis in soil like the good Lord intended us to.

You need to set some of it up and try it. You may like it more and you may not.
I doubt quality would improve enough to make me want to do the hydro hassle


So hydro benefits is all about speed? the idea that the speedy growth is due to the oxygen available to the roots true?If so, then can I just oxygenate my soil to match hydro growth rates? Lots of question , I know.....But i am trying to decide rather to sell the equip or...


Well-Known Member
IF it were me and I'm currently doing my first grow in soil I would go hydro which is what I had thought about doing from the start but changed my mind and now wish I hadn't. Growing in soil is very very slow in my humble opinion.


Rebel From The North
You could try to do that but I dont think theres anyway to get soil to compare in speed to hydro.
Other things that made me move away from soil is the ease of mantaining it, hydro is just so
Simple. Now soil bud can be a bit smoother more of a conosour smoke, but as for potency they
Are the same


Well-Known Member
Now soil bud can be a bit smoother more of a conosour smoke, but as for potency they
Are the same
soil being smoother is right but I disagree about the potentcy, Ive always grown in soil as has my mentor- he's been growing about 30 yrs. when he was growing for sale, he did hydro but swears soil is more potent(& longer lasting) as well as better tasting. I have another friend who has been growing 20 + yrs & swears by hydro. a few yrs ago he tried to get me into a test,I gave them each a few clones off the same mother & in few months,got samples of each. the hydro was organic & properly cured (as was the soil). the soil grown had a slightly better taste. I think that had more to do w/ the cure because my soil clone (same mother) was about the same taste as the hydo. what was noticable was the buzz from the hydro was fading after an hour or so but I didn't go back for more of my soil grown for a couple hrs & my buddy's lasted even longer.the intensity of the high was about the same but the soil lasted longer.


Rebel From The North
Ive been on both sides of the fence and il never go back to soil, havnt noticed a potentcy loss or less.
But if there is the speed and ease of hydro make it a winner to me


What about the speed of growth in an high porous medium like coco peat? Is it comparable or better then a topsoil mix...?