Is there a doctor in the house!?


Well-Known Member
-710 genetics "cheese"-
Day 17 flower

I can't figure out exactly what's going on with this lady, first I thought it was a cal mag problem with the rust spots. I gave the lady it's very first dose of cal mag last week (5ml gallon) also I'm only using FF tiger bloom nutes thats it.
But.... Today it just seems to be worse it's spreading amongst the plant now. My second guess is phosphorous deficiency but I also think it could be a toxicity but I can't figure it out. I need rollitup users to help me figure this out.
@Dr. Who
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Well-Known Member
Try to add some N to the nut, sometimes plants dont adapt the change of nut when turn 18/6 to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Are you using a soil? Or something like coco?

Don't fret! Everything is going to be OK.

It looks like your plant may need some Cal or some Mag, a little N won't hurt either...but give it to your plant in much smaller amounts. I only use 1ML of Cal-Mag in a one gallon jug of water that feeds three separate plants. They are doing just fine.

Another thing to consider is your PH: If you're in soil it should be between 6-7 at least, dialed into between 6.5-6.8 for best results. If you're in coco between 5-6 dialed into between 5.5-5.8 for best results.

Note: This is from personal grow experience, I may or may not be right and I encourage you to ask other people and read many sources before ultimately deciding on a course of action.


Well-Known Member
I put 5ml of CaMg+ to one gallon of water w/ 2 tablespoons of tiger bloom on the last feed when I noticed the spots.]
Again, what I was asking is what the medium is not what nutrient you are using. Tell us the rest of the story so people can help you without guessing.
In other words, what are these plants planted in now exactly?


Well-Known Member
Again, what I was asking is what the medium is not what nutrient you are using. Tell us the rest of the story so people can help you without guessing.
In other words, what are these plants planted in now exactly?
5 gallon pots
50% ocean forest / 50% happy frog
Plant were doing excellent before they went into flower.
Just this cheese strain is giving me a hard time, all my others are looking beautiful.
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Well-Known Member
P, ca
The switch to flower caused probs?
Then Likely the temp drop, lowered rates of transpiration etc.
P in solution, as in dissolved into moist soil will combine with free ca and form an insoluble calcium phosphate.

But you do have some other issues as well...