Is there a middle ground between flushing and not flushing?


Well-Known Member
How would you flush 32 container plants in soil in a 8x4 ft area? There is no large res, they are all sitting in small saucers. I flushed a couple sitting on the outer edge but I don't want to be moving the plants around at this stage in the game (day 50 flo), about 7-10 days to go. I gave them a 1/2 strength nute dose last week and was wondering if it would be fine to just continue plain water until harvest and let the plants feed off what's left in the soil? Last week when I tasted the plant water from a broken leaf stem and it was really bitter. Today it wasn't too bad, almost all the bitterness is gone. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

kbo ca

Active Member
just use plain water, and possibly a leaching agent for a week, then just plain water for another week. clearex, final phase are two good ones


Well-Known Member
I just feed plain water the last 2 weeks ... don't see the need in flushing unless your using chemical ferts or you made a boo-boo ...

happy growin


Well-Known Member
The middle grownd is just water the last 2 weeks. Dosnt sound like you can handle a true flush. Water 3 times the size of the pot 2 weeks before. Then just water.


Well-Known Member
I carry my plants into the shower to water them everytime they need to be watered or fed..all through the the very very last...why can't you move them...just don't be crazy and go tossing the things Will you be tired? yes...will it take a really really long time? Also, yes...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I didn't realize we were talking about preharvest prep...I just don't use nutes in the water for the last bit...I don't actually like flush flush the


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I didn't used to flush because everything was organic..but then I started messing with some chem nutes and also didn't flush, but I go very easy on the nutes these anyway ---I don't flush with light use of synthetic nutes and everything still tastes good...some taste better with the chem stuff...and some are better with the organics...I am going to make little cards that go with a pot when I get the plant pegged for what it likes and doesn't like...because even different strains from the same breeder are different.